WooHoo! I just reached 1000 SP on elbow grease.

When I first reached 100 followers I thought about doing a "yay me!" post but decided against it. Every follower milestone after that just didn't seem like the right time to celebrate the accomplishment. I think it is probably because half of my followers are dead and I still haven't figured out how to dump them to get a true follower number.

However, yesterday I reached a true milestone. I reached 1000 steempower by being active here. I will admit, I did start with 180 SP but since that time It has grown without putting any more money into steem. Just interacting with steemians on steemit and in real life.



I know it isn't a lot compared to some but it truly marks an event here on steemit for me. It could all tank tomorrow and I would fine with that (kinda). But.... If steem takes off like I know it will, it just goes to show what a great platform it is.

"So you're saying that I can make money by posting my witty commentary on the internet?? Hmmmmm"

Anyhoo.... Yay Me!!!

You can do it too! Find things you like reading about and always write a thoughtful comment. You will find that using the steem blockchain as social media is working. It isn't a quick fix but it also isn't as much of a gamble. Put in some time and have some fun meeting new people. :)


All congratulatory gifts and presents may be sent to my condo in La Jolla CA.
Thanks for reading and as always....

Keep being Cool Steemit!


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