Words of Wisdom - Exactly That



Words of Wisdom I

Freedom of speech, assembly, expression, and religion. As nothing I say or do is of any consequence to any of you (or maybe I just might get through, to those select and wonderful few), I ask that you judge me as nothing more than an artist. Art is expression, feelings emotions, ideas, and opinions. Something to relieve the focus on what our ignorant nature tends to overlook...our purpose in life which is - to live. Some say you do it more than once though I cannot completely recall any other - yet, I can see the past, I can see the present, I can see the future. I am the past, I am now, I am the future. The food chain is now interrupted...from the soil beneath your very feet, to the air you breathe, to the ice beneath Antarctica - chilling truths. Agricultural territorialism has plastered the planet. We, unlike any other creature, force our habitat to adapt to us. We deserve to be extinct. I put the blame on nothing more than curiosity, to further our "understanding" of our surroundings. The primary goal of science is to control nature rather than to co-exist with it. It saddens me that even the greatest of minds throughout our history have utterly failed to pass on the knowledge and wisdom to all people of all creeds and colors that we are mere symbiotic creatures with all the other plants and animals on this rock that altogether form our one living earth. I've been told things don't change over night. I refute the allegation. Things change in seconds. We are constantly growing, evolving and thinking...that's my intention...to put your minds and focus' elsewhere...

Words of Wisdom II

Have Faith, Hope and Love. Silence can be golden or just plain yellow. Change is not change until the change has taken place and been followed thoroughly on into completion. Stopping to smell the roses may cause a nose to bleed. Let not the apples in your eyes go rotten. Accepting another man's philosophies is learning from their failures. You cannot push a string, for, it must be pulled. Dreams are the seeds of success. I remember being a small child and thinking about how far away everything seemed-as an adult, I bring those things closer to the children. Half-truths are whole lies. The only real freedom we retain throughout our entire lives is that of choice. To swallow the truth is hard-but most medicines are bitter...Omit sorrow, delete pride, conquer greed, and give hate a cold shoulder. Replace them respectively with hope, honor, charity, and love. I see into the windows of many lost souls and into the very hearts of those that tell me they believe...at least ninety percent of them are clouded with a shroud of doubt. To doubt is to fear. Do not invite fear for it lowers your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual defenses. Let those shields fall and you may fail the way...Things come to pass, be glad they do not stay...So I have spoken, now let it be told...

Word's of Wisdom III

A dream is only a dream if it is not pursued
and a hope is hopeless if not unglued.
Happiness reigns when the words are true...
honesty is the only cure for God to heal you.
Goals are missed in the bliss of a try.
Reality can twist with a wink from my eye,
aim for less than greatness and you will not fly.
Faith fuels hoping hearts to hurdle Himalayan heights.
Birds do not fly, they ride on the wind.
Fish surf the currents...they don't really swim.
See the sinless happiness in a child's grin?
So excited, it's decided time to ignite my righteousness.
Keep the sun at your back and you walk in circles.
Wise men adapt, while teaching the turtles.
I keep pages turning since Rome is still burning,
faith hope and love...must be in the sermon...

Words of Wisdom IV

It is a truly complicated venture to completely trust anyone. Once, however, and if, trust can be established, one can then progress to an even greater relationship. That being the grounds of Confidence. Confidentiality is by far more prized an asset in a relationship because it already states the obvious...I do trust you. After you gain a person's confidence you can then progress toward the rarity of Faith. To have faith in another person is saying soo much. Almost as if you love and care for that person as if they were your own son or daughter. Faith is by far the utmost of any respect you can give or receive. There are only two problems with these three relationships in reference to other people though - the fact that they are people. Born of a 'sinful' nature and granted 'free will' to knowingly act upon that nature. That my friends, is why I will and do trust no one. Just as I teach my children the same. But ahhh! Wait...what's that? Oh yea...no no no...I haven't forgotten...it says there is another clause to the theory of trust. Not necessarily an exception to the rule, no. Rather this is the booster for all humankind. Remember that little ray that Pandora didn't let escape? You guessed it...Hope. So have hope people, and bolster that hope with Love. In the end, maybe you will find someone you really can trust...

Word's of Wisdom V

The youngest prince asks the king..."Daddy?"
"Yes son?""
"How come that cow has blood?"
"All living creatures have blood in them boy. In fact, without the blood, we would have nothing to drink and essentially nothing to eat. For without the blood, all flesh would be dry and lifeless, just as the dust. We need blood to survive. In a way, we are all vampires. Each and every living creature is somewhat of a carnivore. Life itself, feeds on other life to live. We drink the blood of the apple tree in the form of the succulent apple juice. We drink the nectar of the grapevine in the form of puckering grape juice and wine. We even drink the blood of your mother, the earth, by swallowing the crystal clear water that you hold in your glass now. So take care as to not poison the bloodstreams of our mother earth. For if you do, we will have nothing to drink but the dust and thus become that very dust ourselves."
"Okay daddy..."

Words of Wisdom VI
(The Tears of the World)

I cry sometimes you know. Not all out balling, no. A different kind of wail. Not to the point where I just sit and sob about the dumb things I've done, no.
(These tears are not my own.)
Most often they fall as I lay down to bed each night and when I get up every morning.
I have no idea why I cry, but I can feel the pain and screams within the acid as it runs down my cheek. It's different every time. Sometimes it is so intense that my mind has a hard time handling all the information. When I wipe them away and my eyes briefly shut, I see what it is that is sending me the emotion. I cry about the past. I cry about the present and even sometimes the future is revealed. I have felt children in the streets of New York (I know it was New York because I could see the Statue of Liberty when I blinked to try and clear the tears) crying out of hunger and wondering where their mother was... I have felt the cries of people dying for a drink of clean water in India... I have felt the pain of the people being ravaged and losing their homes to violent weather and even more atrocious wars... You see, I can hear them. The sound heard around the world is more than theory. Once a sound is made, it does not disappear, it keeps traveling in all directions... we all can hear it, it's just a matter of when and if we choose to listen... I feel and cry mostly though, for Mom. The wind weeps as she carries the sorrows of the world... and also the ignorance which mankind places in her bosom. I feel her pain every time she is cut by another road crew or oil drill... I feel her wince at every cigarette that is lit... Can't you hear it? What is wrong with me that I am the only one who can hear anything? Maybe I am the only one that chooses to -

Words of Wisdom VII
(Hold Your Tongue...)

Words are just that...mere words. It's all in the actions now. The actions are all that matter anymore to me. Too many people have I met that say this and that and the other and just simply erase what they say by doing the opposite or something other than what they said. Promises, promises. No such thing. My word is worth more than platinum. When was the last time I didn't do something I promised I would do. Yea, I thought so. It hurts you know, especially when it is someone you really thought that you loved... when they turn around and rip out your heart and throw it on the ground and continually stomp on it in front of you to the point where you say, "Enough!" and then you don't trust anyone. It's sad really. Maybe I was too naive at one time to understand that you really cannot trust anyone fully... only It. It is the only uh, person...if you will...that has not ever lied to me...in fact, has pointed out others' deceitful tongues, often before they themselves used the sly words to try convincing me of their snake-bellied nature. I see it as thus, I am the mongoose. Not that I seek to feed on the serpents, only that when they cross my path, I know what they taste like. I even embarrass them in front of everyone...ha ha ha to all you split-tongued slithering dolts. I command honesty, I demand truth, and asked for what is real and as is such have been given. Sought out by my - i n t u i t i o n.

Words of Wisdom VIII

It really does make me laugh.
The way people get so caught up in this obsessive world.
Little lady Madonna's material girls.
I am guilty as well.
There are things I don't like even my cats sniffing around in.
Guilty of pride.
I try my best to over come it,
but it has this way of making me succumb to its demands...
Look at it though, it's just so shiny
or so cute
or so ugly it's cute
or so rare
That's the big one.
It seems then that Vanity is a combination of lust, greed, and pride.
I'm not too bad though.
I don't care if someone borrows my favorite shirt and I don't ever get to wear it again.
As long as my vehicle goes from point A to point B, I will drive it.
It doesn't matter that my peanut butter says great value instead of Jiffy on the label.
I bought my computer used and one of the disc drives doesn't work.
I use old fast food cups as glasses.
I recycle everything I know and have room for.
I don't follow any kind of popular trend.
I'm just being the change I wish to see in the world.

Words of Wisdom IX
(The Scales of Justin)

Most things in this world have a co-existence,
a complete dependence on the other for being.
Without one thing,
there would not exist the other thing.
Many of which are very sad indeed.
There is one right there.
And so I must pose the question to you...
Without sadness,
how would you know when you were happy?
Without remorse,
how would you know you did the right thing?
Without evil,
how would you know what is good?
Without darkness,
you could not see the light.
Without the light,
would there be only darkness?
How would you know which way is up,
if you knew not which way was down?
How would you know where you are going,
if you didn't know where you had been?
How would anyone achieve world peace,
if they did not know of war?
Would you know how to live,
if you did not know of death?
Why would you need a cure,
if you knew not there was a disease?
Would you know how to listen,
if you didn't know what consists of a sound?
Would you know how to read,
if there was nothing written…

Words of Wisdom X
(Be a Rebel)

Be a rebel. A real rebel. One that rebels against the peer pressures of our anchoring humanity. One that sees beyond the reverse psychology of the govern-mental do's and do nots. I'm mostly referring to drugs and their use. What the government does is complicated, but effective to keep money in their corrupt pockets. First, they search for a real addictive chemical base, created in some lab somewhere, with the hope it will make you a mindless numb killing zombie at their disposal. If that is unsuccessful, then they look at the potential use for biological warfare, chemical warfare, if it will not enhance their slow progress toward constructing a super soldier. If it fails in the first three categories, they then silently peddle it in the discreet streets. If it takes, and too many people don't die, they push it to some drug dealers and sell them the recipe. About three months later you will hear on the news that a new drug has been discovered in the streets of LA or New York and that it is very dangerous and harmful and completely illegal. Most of the sheep will obey...okay, stay away from that. However, there is that underground that will hear of it and drag down their peers with it, thinking they are being rebellious by doing so, but rather playing into the trap that had been so deviously laid out before them. Thus the drug lords will make back their money. A few will agree to get busted with immunity in prison (making them more powerful than they were) and many of the buyers will too and as such, the government makes back their money that they spent on research and supplies to originally create it. So, be a rebel, think for yourself. Laugh at the inane schemes that a sinister society has produced to enslave you and then pat yourself on the back for listening.

Words of Wisdom XI
(Bottle It Up)

How many times have you been outside, in a group of adults, and heard one of them say something to the effect of, "I wish I knew how to bottle that energy so I could sell it" in reference to watching children hard at play? I know I've heard it plenty, and even remember hearing it being spoken of my nonstop antics when I was a child. It truly is a wonderful sight to enjoy a child or two or however many there may be running about and frolicking in the heat, leaves, puddles, and snow. I hear the older ones say to themselves that they wish they had that kind of energy. I have also found that I still do have all that energy. How can you possibly lose it? I believe it is more mental than anything. Once people hit a certain age, they seem to just sort of give up on their hopes and dreams and accept the fact that they just won't get to where they want to go. I won't ever give up. Maybe that's the key? They just expel all the energy once they say they think they can't. I know I can. I will. I would find myself coming home from work later and later in the evenings and my children would wait up for me as long as they could. If they were anywhere close to being awake, and I mean, if they had one eye barely open and the other was glued shut and they were snoring, as soon as I would come through that door...they'd be up off their beds or the couch in a hurry to greet me with a huge hug. Often they would ask to wrestle, and after moving furniture for twelve hours, I would still have the energy to do it. It really is sad that most adults these days have better things to do than play. Maybe I've found Peter Pan's secret? Who knows? What I do know is this, it is more of a conscious decision to be active rather than the actual energy being there. Energy is everywhere. Most of which is kinetic. All you have to do is find out how to use it...because it - cannot be bottled...

Words of Wisdom XII
(Lost & Found)

The last place you look is always where you find what it is you were searching for. Some things get lost very easily. A matching sock from the hungry dryer. A wallet in a steamy bathroom. The change you knew you had in your pocket. Some things take a lifetime to pick up the trail and discover where it was you left it.
-A child-
When it is told you don't have the time for it right now, or, is sexually, mentally, or physically abused. It does not know what it did to deserve such cruelty.
-A mind-
When it goes through such extreme trauma, the body barely recognizes its existence.
-A teenager-
When the same parent doesn't care how late she stays out or who the company is she keeps. She turns to what she thinks is care and ends up being prostituted or hooked on drugs.
Yes trust. How does one know it was ever lost until it is actually searched for? I know of a young woman that has had a horrid childhood. She was sexually abused, beaten, turned to the streets, pimped, and still is alive today. She is much stronger than she cares to admit. It takes a multitude of strength to continue each day through such hardships. I am your friend. Do not forget that.
I know of a man that lost his son. For many months, he was literally beside himself, not knowing what reality was or who he could even trust. He hated 'God' and everything 'good'. He became but a mere body with a brain inhabiting it. The mind itself was lost to sorrow and anger. He has the will of a pure warrior. How hard it must be to outlive your own child. No one should have to go through that. I am with you.
Don't forget this.
I know of a woman that had lost all trust and faith in men. She had given up on them completely and felt she lost herself to the poor track record which she had acquired. But then she found something in the last place she would have ever thought to look. She found what she always wanted, love. If you could see her now and how happy she is since I have begun to show her that happiness is possible, you would not think she was broken at one time. Now she prepares for a journey into the unknown and is anxiously accepting all that the narrow path has to offer. I too felt the same until I met her.
Trust is hard to find, but once you find it, you cannot lose it very easily.
We were once lost, but now we are found.
I love you. Don't forget this.
The moral of the story-don't lose yourself, for once you are lost, it is truly hard to find yourself.

Words of Wisdom XIII
(They call me master)

They call me master Merlyn, duly defined wizard
my entourage includes expertise in the exquisite
if you care to visit, remember I am explicit
sifted out of the simps, more then just gifted
uplifted my brethren, give them hope
if it seems far away, discard the telescope
look with your own eye, explore the note
see the inside and more of what it is I just wrote.

Seven Rules of Engagement when facing the Serpent Society

-fear can be your greatest enemy, embrace it as your most powerful ally
-act, don't think
-control your emotions, don't let THEM control you
-know your strengths and weaknesses, capitalize on them both
-expect the unexpected
-always be aware of your surroundings
-never take your eye off of your 'opponent'
(seven other notable suggestions when dealing with snakes)
-never underestimate your 'opponent'
-remember, there is no honor amongst thieves
-keep family dear, friends close, and 'opponents' in your sights
-manipulation is the perpetrator of true power
-remember what you heard, not what they said
-influence is the master of manipulation
-persuasion is the prince of influence…
Rules that apply to any life situation
A mastermind denies procrastination
Absorb the presentation
Ignore the hesitation
Words of wisdom
I’ve given unto you
A brief intermission
Listen for truth.

Words of Wisdom XIV

Just listen already!
O Pen your ears and just listen... What do you hear? I hear an air conditioner barely rattling the dust and things within the air duct. Telling me I am spoiled due to my lack of accepting nature's climate and therefore create one of my own and interrupt Her's with the freon I knowingly spill...
I hear many vehicles driving by in ignorance. Rushing to work or the grocery store. Many that could have walked and saved some gas and money but do they really care they are choking themselves?
I hear children playing outside and in their innocence, most are oblivious to the evils such as stated previously, that will most likely overtake them. Passed on by numb forefathers that say they want change but all the while refuse to change themselves and be the change they wish to see in this mundane hell called earth.
I hear a few birds chirping, singing their lovely song... as they would put it. But I do not hear a lovely song, what I hear is a sad one. The birds beg us to be more considerate of them. For without them, where would we be? They eat the worms that would overgrow and overpopulate the planet that eat the filth and garbage and food we waste when there are people starving enough to munch down a maggot infested apple core.
I hear a fan. The one that keeps my personal computer from overheating so I can efficiently write all this nonsense you are reading. But is it nonsense? A bunch of mumbo-jumbo? Or is it the fact that what I hear is just a little more than your average ear? This is how it speaks...

Words of Wisdom XV
In This World
(The Three Most Important Things)

For my sons... JR and EL... Spidey and Hulk... Coup and Boo-Boo... Scope and Aim... the list goes on... be who you want... choose your own names as I have...
In this world... many things are not real - THEY are fake... I implore you two to love and trust each other implicitly and without question... for all of mankind's and goodness' sake...
As soon as you begin to hear me, you'll see what I mean
Your Father is fearless, clearly against the machine...
The way that I steer this is as sheer as it is clean
Understand that almost nothing is really what it seems...
See? I'm more than a spark, I illuminate the darkness
My foundations are the hardest and my weapons are the sharpest
I'm a shark in this park with hugs for the harmless
I own the biggest heart that's why THEY fear my karma
Lesson number one, beware of where you place your trust
There's a lot of backstabbers consumed by greed and lust
You must be able to know the difference between those and love
I know it's hard to tell, that's exactly what I'm thinking of...
I'll show you what I can, but keep your eyes open...
lesson number two... Choose wisely what words are spoken...
So much is already broken by the fruitless tokens
of soothless omens, I entreat you do as you're hoping...
I'm building something, a legacy for all life
the main focus of my work is to ensure we survive
and live... give a little attention to your mind
use more than possible, make this the time...
I know you can hear me... and I can hear you
telepathy esp and telekinesis to name a few
with 'it' all things are possible and you really can do
anything you want but should is lesson number two...
The last you must learn I cannot put on paper
you must ask me in person, I am the alma mater
guru of the mantra master of the nature
THEY are always listening so I will see you later...


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