Restoring The 100 Year Old Barn

General Overview Of The Shop
Not very long ago, I found a 100+ year old workbench that was made by my girlfriends great-great-grandfather. He was a furniture maker by trade, and left a whole lot of tools in this old barn which used to hold pigs. Wooden planes, chisels, files, screws, nails etc.
I've taken the time to restore some of these old and forgotten tools, and hope that they will be used throughout my life and long after I'm gone as well. 20170709_115607.jpg
This bench set a whole chain reaction into play, and I started building a few bits and pieces.
Because I have only a few weekends to work in here at a time, progress is slow, but I hope to get more into this stuff and learn as much as I can of this forgotten art.

The floor isn't strait, the walls are falling off on the outside of the building, it's dusty and dark, but it has become my little workshop. My little sanctuary, where I can go and do whatever I want and don't think of anything else than keeping the sawdust airborn.

My First Axe
As a new weekend comes to an end, I thought I could share a bit of what's been going on in my workshop as far as builds go!
Lately I've aquired an old axe head that I recently sanded, sharpened and gave a new handle.
It's been working great, and cuts like no other axe I've ever swung!
There is a few faults and mistakes with it, but in my defence, it's the first handle I've ever made for an axe. Pretty happy with the outcome despite these minor mistakes.

My old axe.jpg

Future Builds And Other Plans
I've started working on my own sawhorses. Most of what I've learned from furniture making and woodworking in general comes from two youtube channels in particular. Wranglerstar and The Samurai Carpenter. Go check them out if your into this kind of stuff.

The sawhorses is the same kind as Wranglerstar built a few weeks ago. They looks to be sturdy, and they are built using the timber framing method. Joining two, or more, pieces of wood together using no nails or screws.
The barn I have my workshop located in is built using this specific building method.
You can see the timbers cut to size in the background in the first picture in this post.
I hope to finish all this this summer, but do belive that I probably will use all winter as well just because of all the other things going on.

As far as other plans go, I hope to get back in to the halibut fishing. As I was born by the sea, fishing is a really big passion of mine, and I hope the big ones still bites despite it being late in the season.
Just to brag a bit from this years catch, I'll throw in one last picture of the biggest halibut we've caught so far this year.
It weighed in on a bit over 31kg. (translates to about 68'ish lbs) Kveite 2017.jpg

Thank you for reading!

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