Recruiting New Steemians at The Artist’s Co-op in NYC!

Nurturing Steemit's Creative Impact

Yesterday, Sndbox was hosted by The Artist Co-op in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City. We had the great opportunity to speak to diverse creative professionals as well as newcomers from our NYC Meetup group. It was our first time presenting to a dedicated group of creatives and to our pleasant surprise, many already had a commanding knowledge of blockchain technology and an awareness of various cryptos.


And since the presentation was held in a creative co-op, we were able to drive the conversation on highly disruptable components of the art world including copywriting, information sharing, intellectual property, and many other facets that could be transformed by blockchain technology.


Recruiting New Steemians!

All in all, it was wonderful engaging these enthusiastic professionals and we even had a few immediate Steemit sign-ups and Sndbox applications. We’re looking forward to crossing paths with The Artist Co-op and its coworking/coperforming community in the coming months!


Since we started doing presentations for other institutions and social groups within New York City, we've been able to generate a snowball of excitement and further prospects of engagement activities. More presentations and workshops to recruit more Steemians and creative Sndboxers will be soon to some so stay tuned!

More About the Artist Co-op

You can learn all about the mission, history, events, and future of the Artist Co-op here on their website and we also wanted to highlight a bit of their mission in this post. We’re encouraging them to join Steemit and engage our community so hopefully this post will be a catalyst.


If you look on their website, they have a very clear mission -

The Artist Co-op is a coworking space for performing artists, uniting New York City’s actors directors, dancers, playwrights, and more, with programs and services to support the performing arts community.

The founder, Rachel Berger, understood the deep need for a community and communal amenity in New York City concerning the world of performance art. Unlike other creative disciplines with their shared studios and collective gallery spaces, performing artists were previously left to fend on their own. This mean that professionals would have to shell out large fees for rehearsal rooms and didn’t have access to the needed amenities. This new exciting endeavor seeks to change all of that.

The Co-op has an ongoing calendar of public activities to learn and engage the world of performance. We encourage you to check them out and stop by sometime, hopefully when we at Sndbox are there as well!

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