The World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #046 - Luna Mística / Mystical Moon

Luna Mística / Mystical Moon

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Cuando la luna está presente por las noches le da un toque muy misterioso al cielo. Esta que les muestro es una de las fases de la luna que más me gusta, se ve algo misteriosa y muy extraña ya que sólo podemos ver la mitad de ella. Es muy relajante poder apreciar lo majestuoso que es nuestro satélite natural. Siempre tenemos algo hermoso para mirar y compartir, espero que sea de su agrado, nos vemos pronto.

When the moon is present at night it gives a very mysterious touch to the sky. This one I show you is one of the phases of the moon that I like the most, it looks something mysterious and very strange since we can only see half of it, it is very relaxing to be able to appreciate how majestic our natural satellite is. We always have something beautiful to look at and share, I hope you like it, see you soon.

Author: @manuel82

Photograph taken with camera Fujifilm HS25EXR
Cumaná - Venezuela

a warm greeting to @axeman the creator of the contest

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I say goodbye until a next opportunity.
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