I Don't Know What To Say

I don't know what to say yesterday. I don't know how to feel already. I just stood there, looking at my next door neighbour standing in front of me talking about her only son who had not called nor visited her and her husband for almost a year. That was the first time she opened up to me. We talked for about an hour actually, I just listened to her expressing her grief. I feel glad she did, I can feel her, my empathies for her plight. The parents were left to mend for themselves and they are not well. Both of them in their 70s. Her husband cannot hear well, cannot see well due to cataracts and is a heart patient. She too is suffering from knee joint problem that may need surgery and is worrisome of who will take care of her husband if something happen to her.

Of course, I can help them wherever I can. I feel happy helping to send them to the hospital or buy them anything that they need in the house. The both of them don't even know how to use atm machine and am happy to assist them whenever they need my help. But the fact is I don't have a mother and so I feel weird that people actually can leave their mother and don't care about them. There is this handicap feeling inside of me for not having a mother and some people can just dump their parents... sigh

Just remember the law of nature... what you give, you get back... what you sow you reap. Kindness is free, it's contagious. Let's do our part in spreading kindness. Yours truly, ainie.

Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/chntbrnkr/love-your-parents/?lp=true

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