The Creative Writing Challenge - Task #2 - Come hell or high water

Hi everyone! This is my entry for task #2 of the creative writing challenge created by @steemfluencer. I had fun with this task, although it's been difficult to write it since I have no internet at home since Sunday. Also I have to make a cake for tomorrow and two hundred little desserts for Saturday (wish me luck!). I started university again this week so my time is almost nonexistent. Not to mention I was about to post the task and it got erased :( so I had to rewrite most of it. I hope you like it and give me your thoughts in the comments :)


Tom is still the smartest accountant in the town,

Joey is his best friend.

Tom is 94.

Joey is 95.

They both live in a beautiful retirement home. And today they want to tell you about the most turbulent time of their lives. This is a story of loss, despair and growth. Everything began in the Spring of 1952, the exact date was April 7th. Joey's younger sister was a spirited soul, always searching for more and feeling constricted by society's rules. Since they were from an affluent family she was able to get away with being a bit different. One of her wishes was to travel the world, get to know different cities and their culture. To indulge her, her parents bought her a ticket to fly from Le Bourget (France) to London; as long as Joey traveled with her. The day to leave came and Joey had spent the night before at a bar, drinking to sleep. When he opened his eyes, the plane had left already. Amanda, his sister, said to her parents that they had agreed to meet at the airport and when he didn't show she got in it anyway. The next day the newspaper first page titular was "The F.60 (his sister's plane) collided head-on with a Daimler Airway de Havilland DH.18A". His sister was dead.

The death of Amanda blew him to pieces; the guilt, sorrow and anger at himself merged into one. He was a ticking time bomb, the liquor his weapon. Slowly but surely he drove everyone he cared for away; even the help was reduced to only a maid and a cook. One day while drinking at a bar, like he did every day of the week, he met a curious man. He was tall and lanky with bright blue eyes, his name was Tom. Tom saw in Joey himself, how he was until two years ago. Like Joey, Tom lost someone he loved dearly. After five years in a state very similar to Joey's, a friend managed to pull him out of it. The day Tom met Joey he made it his goal to help him straighten his life out.

It was a long journey and a daunting task that at times it seemed impossible; nevertheless Tom reached his goal. Five years down the line and Joey was sober; his temper wasn't as volatile and he got a job to get the fortune he lost. Thanks to Tom, Joey's life wasn't as somber and there was a little ray of hope shining down on it.

Today Tom & Joey celebrate 65 years of their friendship. Both of them have had fulfilling lives and wonderful families. Tom's grandson had a show tonight at a bar as comedian and they decided to go. The poor kid was thrown off the stage by the tomatoes thrown by the public. Joey saw how crushed he was and decided it was time to return what Tom gave him. Joey would help his grandson achieve a good life; come hell or high water or so help him God. Nothing happens by chance, even those things we think are bad. Once you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up.

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