The Creative Writing Challenge - Task #5 - May we meet again

Hi everyone, the creative writing challenge task #5 consists in writing a story that links the two pictures below. Thanks again to @steemfluencer for creating it and if you want to know more about it you can click here.


Athena's School for the Privileged wasn't a normal school where you learn math, science and literature. This school's electives were camouflage, archery, target practice, body language, understanding of the human mind and all the martial arts known and unknown in the world. Yes, they taught all the common schools classes for they are important too. For the outside world it was as normal as a private school for rich kids is but under the surface you'd be surprised at what you'd find.

In order to attend this school you must come from a family full of spies or be above average at a number of skills, not only IQ. This was Hogwarts for spies, impossible to get in without magic, or in this case without the potencial of being a great spy.

Agatha was a lovely girl with blonde locks and a great smile and she was never alone. Always by her side were Bianca, a tough raven haired girl, and Lorelai, a quirky but tech savvy brunette. They were known as the top three students of their class, always getting the best missions there were. Today was no different, although if you looked at the three girls wearing swimsuits while strolling the beach you wouldn't have a clue. Their weapons were their one on one combat skills, lipstick and glasses; literally.

"Remember girls, this is only a reconnaissance mission; we do not engage" - Agatha muttered while smiling and looking around discreetly.
"No need to remind us, we know Barbie" - Lorelai answered with a roll of her eyes and an amused tone.
"I got eyes on the target, three o'clock ladies" - Bianca interjected before they started fighting.


They were told to follow a redhead named Christina, or at least that was what the file said. Previous to Christina she was Andrea, Monica, Gabriella and so on. The young red vixen was known for her involvement with guys twice her age; married one day, widow the next. So far she has evaded the law and she got sloppy. Normally this was below their non-existent payroll but the money she made was being sent to a known criminal who was on the run, a former spy gone rogue. In order to find him they must first have her. Their sources told them that she could potentially be meeting him today, her last husband found dead yesterday.

Two days later, they finally saw something worth their time. A guy with medium build, curly blond hair and a briefcase collided on purpose with her. Christina was carrying the exact same briefcase and with a move unseen for those without a trained eye exchanged them and continued on their merry way. Sadly, since they were still students all they had to do was report what they saw ASAP and go back to school.

"I can't wait for when we graduate and can take down the bad guys on our own" - Bianca complained on their way back.
"Turn that frown upside down, we only have half a year left" - Agatha replied with a smile.
"Yeah, and at least we're not stuck sifting through garbage or rescuing kittens" - Rory, short for Lorelai, added with a wince; those were the kind of tasks first years had to endure.

Ten years later, their class had a graduate reunion. It wasn't centered on mindless gossip but on learning, yes, you read it right, learning. Each spy had to give a conference on their specialty and exchange ideas with their fellow spies. It was also an opportunity to remember and cherish those who died or went missing, as well as a game of finding who was who. A spy must change his image almost on a daily basis, ten years without meeting could make you unrecognizable.

"Hey Barbie, long time no see!" - Rory exclaimed while squeezing the life out of her friend. No longer brunette but a blonde, she was sporting bangs and a new nose.
"Rory! It's been like two years" - Agatha was glad to see her okay, she was still a blonde but had a boy cut, hazel contacts and plumper lips.

Both were sad that their friend Bianca wasn't there but she had an undercover mission currently ongoing. When they started school they were a hundred or so, at graduation only sixty were left; and now, ten years later there were thirty eight. The reunion lasted for a week, where both friends had ample time to catch up and enjoy the time off they had. The last day they took a group picture to hang on the school's walls, a reminder of the friendly faces all over the world.

"Where are you headed now?" - Lorelai asked with a sad tone and a wide smile.
"I'm wanted in Ukraine, what about you?"
"Nigeria" - Rory replied with a slump in her shoulders, she missed their school days, having her friends with her.
"Good luck girl. May we meet again" - Agatha said as farewell while hugging her and hiding her frown and disappointment.
"May we meet again" - she whispered to the wind.

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