The Creative Writing Challenge - Task #7 - The Tower of Hercules

Hii everyone! This is my entry for task #7 of the creative writing challenge sponsored by @steemfluencer. The requirements were to write a predefined story using as many objects of the picture below as you could. From the three options of predefined ideas that were given I chose writing about someone sharing his most exciting story of his youth. If you want to see more details you can click here.


It was the summer of the year 1986 in Corunna, Spain. Carl was visiting his aunt, she lived in a quaint house big enough for a small family. Portraits were hanged all over the walls, pictures from his aunt, uncle and cousin filled them. He liked to wander a lot, grab his keys and just walk and get to know new places. Most of the time he got lost but someone was always willing to provide him with directions to his aunt's house. Carl took Spanish at school but he wasn't fluent yet, a scrap of paper had the address of the house and he could understand basic words like "derecha" (right) and "izquierda" (left ).

That day he took a path he had never taken before, it led right to a beach with beautiful sand and a big, white lighthouse that reminded him of the Tower of Hercules, the oldest lighthouse in the world. Carl was intrigued, so he went inside and started climbing the spiraling staircase. Other than the light that streamed through the small windows every so often, the place was dark. When he finally reached the final step an open space greeted him. It had bigger windows and the walls were polished and filled with pictures of boats.

An open space wasn't the only thing that Carl saw when he made it to the top, a horrific sight was before him. The girl's long unruly brunette hair flew behind her, a straw hat was on her head; it had two tones, the rim was light brown and the top a cream color flanked with yellow on the sides. A white summer dress covered the woman, and Carl would've been mesmerized if not for the gun she was holding in her hand. Carl's father was in the marine, but he never taught him anything about weapons or how to use them; so Carl didn't know what gun was it, all he knew was that it was black and as letal as any gun he had ever seen. So many thoughts ran through his mind, like a tornado that flew him all over the place and left him disoriented and lethargic. His heart was beating a million miles per minute and perspiration covered his forehead and hands; of course, he had just climbed like a hundred stairs but that wasn't what left him winded.

Carl didn't think much about it, he just ran towards the woman; he barreled towards her and with all his strength knocked the gun out of her hands. The brunette was startled and in her haste pulled the trigger. A gunshot rang out at the same time the man grabbed her around the waist and pulled her backwards, landing on a heap on the floor. Carl felt the warm rush of the bullet grazing his skin, adrenaline blocking the pain that and the fall caused. The woman fell on top of him and his leg was left in an awkward angle.

A scream left the lady's mouth and echoed in the room "Are you out of your mind?"
"I believe it is I who should ask that dear" - Carl mumbled from the floor, pain written all over his face; this was what shocked out of her stupor the woman and she scrambled to her feet and asked if he was alright.
"Oh my God, of course you're not alright. I'm so so sorry. Let me call the paramedics"

The next few hours were a blur for Carl, he had broken his leg in three different places and had to have a couple of stitches for the wound on his arm; not to count answering the infinite questions the police asked him. All throughout the woman was a flurry of nerves and kept hovering over him, until she was forced to leave with the police. When he was left alone, all Carl could think about were the beautiful cerulean eyes and porcelain skin of the woman that was about to take her life.

That same night Carl left the hospital with two black crutches and a bright blue cast. Since he had pressed no charges, the woman was allowed to leave under bail and therapy two days a week.

As the days flew by, he fell in love with that woman, whose name was Carina. Later the two married and thirty years later they were happily together. That day was the most horrible and wonderful one of his life, for it was the day where he met and almost lost the love of his life.

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