Hearts of Darkness - Plague of the Void Seeds / 8

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Post 8


Khal opened the hangar door and stepped into the giant space that Dagr had made his home. He was working a small piece of white bone on his ancient bone-grinder. As Khal came closer, he realized that the small piece was actually a fairly large sword. Everything looked small in the hands of this massive being. At twenty eight feet high, Dagr was the largest and oldest of the remaining Argantuan. Khal waited at a respectful distance until Dagr had finished sharpening the weapon. A bone smith was about as honoured a position one could attain in Argantuan society. His every movement was an expression of profound knowledge, respect and commitment to his craft.

Dagr – “This represents the last piece of white bone large enough to be a sword, my friend.”

His voice was so deep and rumbling, it was sometimes difficult to understand. Fortunately, their growing familiarity helped considerably.

Khal – “At least our gambit was successful, no more stars have been attacked, which means they cannot replicate at the same rate and we’ve bought some time.”
Dagr – “Yes. But one more major engagement and they will know.”

He was right. What time they had bought had been expensive. The plasma charges required a large amount of powdered white bone and they had perhaps four more charges without the ability to make more.

The Void Seed were numerous, but the Alliance could still draw upon greater numbers, despite grievous loses. If the enemy thought the Alliance now had a weapon that could prevent them from replicating, that would certainly give them pause. Without reinforcements, a war of attrition would see the Alliance victorious. It did not appear that the Void Seed had been reinforced via the gateway. Why that should be, no-one knew. Perhaps the gateway had ceased to function properly?

Khal – “I think it is time to reconsider that mission to your homeworld.”
Dagr – “The Void Seed are swarming all over it for they know it is the origin of the white bone.”
Khal – “It is worth great risk.”

Dagr stands up from his sitting position at the bone grinder. He stretches his massive neck and arms.

Dagr – “Mmmmmm. I must admit. I yearn to visit the caverns. I fear some of my people may have been left behind in stasis. And there is a great, hidden store of ancient white bone….the legacy of our ancestors. It may have survived.”
Khal – “If there is any chance…..”
Dagr – “My horn grows thirsty for enemy blood. We shall proposition the Alliance counsel.”

The two massive beings, one blue and white, one black, leaders of the last of their people, lock arms in a silent promise.

20 Years ago

The Daxiste-agorian shuttle appeared from out of a clear blue sky. There was a collective gasp from many of the one thousand volunteers waiting to embark. Anna had been dropped of several weeks ago in order to report directly to the GAN Command and to oversee the final preparations for the volunteers. She could hardly believe the events of the last ten years. It was almost overwhelming to be responsible for so many people in a situation that was literally out of this world. But there were many with great burdens in this war and she would do what needed to be done. It helped a lot that Gary had been one of the first to volunteer and be accepted. His knowledge and calm assurance would be a valuable asset to every human.

One of the problems with finding the right volunteers had been the issue of longevity. The Daxiste-agorian genetic enhancements would extend a human lifespan by at least a factor of ten. So, assuming no violent interruption, they would live to at least a thousand years, maybe longer. Despite these realities, many people with families and friends had volunteered because, the way they saw it, there would be no-one if the Void Seed destroyed our sun. To their credit, it didn't sit well with many that their battles were being met by others and simply had to help in any way they could. It was inspiring.

Gary – “Here they come.”

He couldn’t keep the excitement from his voice. Anna smiled.

Anna – “Click has allocated several decks of a Daxiste-agorian research vessel for us. They’ve all been debriefed so once everyone is settled in, training will begin.”
Gary – “I can’t tell you how good I feel since the injection.”
Anna – “I know. It makes you feel invincible. It’s such a shame that we’re not even close.”
Gary – “At least the air on the ship won’t kill us!”

The shuttle landed in the marked zone and several doorways opened with ramps extending down from them. The humans began to board the alien ship on a desperate adventure that could very well be the end of them……or lead to the salvation of the universe.

Anna – “That’s everyone. Let’s go.”

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