Win Some SBD - A Writing Contest... with a Hidden Agenda

A Writing Contest... with a Hidden Agenda

From my library.

I’ve been pondering. Something us old timers like to do.

How about a writing contest... of sorts. Beware! There is a hidden agenda buried somewhere in this post.

One of the ways I practice my writing, besides Steemit, is with writing prompts. Not just any random writing prompt.

I use the “popular highlights function” for the books I am reading on my Kindle app to generate my prompts. Then I write my thoughts, feelings, and ramblings stirred up by the quotes. In this contest, so will you.

Here’s how it works. This will be simple. (I hope)

I will post a quote or highlight from a book on my current reading list.

I may or may not post my writing sample based on this quote. I haven’t decided yet. This idea is still evolving. I don’t want to influence your response.

What’s your part?

  • In the comments section below, you will write your response to the posted quote. What thoughts does it make you think? What’s your inspiration? Agree or disagree? Anything goes as long as it’s your original response.

  • Your response will be between 50 and 100 words, no more no less. Writing things like “Good quote.” won’t cut it. This is a contest, but the hidden agenda is to put you in touch with your inner writer. You’re welcome.

  • You must Resteem the post on your page because any votes you get for your response may help me decide the winner. I will check.

That’s it... simple. And a rather effective way to practice your writing.

What’s my part?

I will decide the winner. Based on all the rules being followed and if I like your reply. Make me laugh. Make me cry. Shock me. Inspire me! But don’t bore me. (Just kidding, I’m never bored.) And upvotes may figure in to the final decision, I’m not a despot.

When I announce the winner, I will transfer 1 SBD to the winner at the end of the 7 day period the contest runs. That’s One Steem Based Dollar to the winner.

If the participation and popularity support the contest, the prize may increase in future contests.

The rules and conditions are subject to change as flaws or improvements to the structure of this contest become apparent. I’ll let you know.

It begins here... Writing Contest Number One

Here is the quote I chose to start the contest...

Read it once, or twice, or even three times and let your inspired words flow.

"Man was born to turn the world into a paradise, but tragically he was born flawed. And so his paradise has always been spoiled by stupidity, greed, destructiveness, and shortsightedness.”" from "Ishmael: A Novel (Ishmael Series)" by Daniel Quinn

I look forward to your responses below.

Here I am... pondering.


All words and pictures, except for brief quotes, are by the author of this post.

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