How Much Do You Love Me? New Constrained writing contest #10!


The Challenge by @svashta: Write a story where every sentence is a question.

"Why did you leave me?”

“Don’t you realize I had no choice?”

“Didn't you know that I wouldn't be able to make it without you?"

"Why did you think you couldn't make it?"

"How could you ever have thought differently?"

"Did you not know how strong you were?"

"How did you not realize I was only strong because of you? HOW?"

"Why? What did you think would change once I was gone?"

"What did I think would happen? WHAT DID I THINK WOULD HAPPEN?”

“Yes, what did you think would happen? Why did you think you couldn’t go on without me?”

“Can’t you SEE why I thought that?”

“Can’t YOU see that you gave up too easily?”

“What are you going to do about it now?”

“What do you think I should do?”

“Don’t you want me here with you?”

“What else could I possibly want? Don’t you know I love you more than life itself?”

“Aren’t you the joker?”

“Why are you making this so hard for both of us? Don’t you know that you still have a choice?”

“If I have a choice, then why don’t you?”

“Don’t you realize that I’m already dead??? How can you not realize that it’s too late for me?”

“Why would you say that?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“What is wrong with you? Didn’t you JUST say that you loved me?”

“Don’t you know I do? Don’t you know that I want what’s best for you and not just what I want???”

“Can’t you see that I was willing to do anything to be with you? Can’t you see that I was willing to DIE to be with you?”

“Can’t YOU see that it was the wrong choice? Can’t you see that you need to go back?”

“Why would you even suggest that?”

“Don’t you know that I have to send you back, even though it’s killing me? Don’t you know that in your heart?”

“Why can’t I stay?”

“Why can’t you see that you have more to do on earth? Can you please just do this for me? Can you go back and take care of our children? Can you be strong… for me?”

“Can you please just hug me goodbye? Can you maybe give me some of your strength so that I can go on?”

“Don’t you know that I would do anything for you?”

“Can you feel that? Can you feel it pulling me back?”

“What? Where are you? Can you touch my hand? Can you come back for just a second?”

“Where are you? Can you hear me? Can you feel my love for you?”

“Can you feel my love for you? Do you know it’s forever?”

“Will you wait for me here until it’s my time?”

“Don’t you know I’ll be sitting here watching from above? Don’t you realize that I will wait for you for as long as it takes?

“Do you promise to love me… always?”

“Always? Is that all?”

This is my entry into the Constrained Writing Contest #10.

For the rules, click here and give it a try!

And this is a new series that I'm writing and posting daily! If you enjoy my writing, this is my first Non-short story that I'm posting here to steemit.
Brief recap, if you're interested in my more 'normal' type of writing:
Chuck has been living a very dead end type of life, working in a derelict old, barely making it gas station in a failing small town when a priest and a tie dye wearing hippie come upon his gas station. They have a bag to bestow upon Chuck. A bag that they claim holds the power to fulfill his dreams and change his life.

Chuck, however, is more than a little disbelieving and wary of the whole idea…

Read The Beginning
Part 1: Chuck
Part 2: The Bag
Part 3: The Beginning
Part 4: The Accident

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