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This is a segment of 🚀MISSION CONTROL🚀 With Me! @carrieallen that airs LIVE every MONDAY 8 PM EST on the Steemstar Network!

This orginally aired on June 4, 2018.

I'm looking for collaborators!

Do you write scary stuff? (Not too scary, I need to stay PG13.) I'd potentially like to do 1-2 segments per 2 hour show. Each one would be less than 5 minutes. Basically, I read the story in an intense, dramatic fashion (😉) and add sound effects.
Please... please write something for me. Please.🙏

This week's Guest author.... It's me!

But good news for you- I think I'm getting better at this 'writing stuff to read' thing. 😏 I mean, this week I'm not embarrassed to share this. This week, I feel like it's more polished than weeks prior. So that's something. 😍

Sit back, push play and enjoy the show!

Wanna read along? I've included the transcript below!


JUNE 3, 2018



It started five days ago… the digging. Sam had awoken with an inexplicable desire to dig. She had called in to work, uncharacteristic of her, saying she was taking a vacation, and set out to accomplish her goal.

She’d made quite the progress in five days. Thankfully, her backyard had very tall privacy fences and all of her neighbors were elderly. The hole was so big and so deep she had created a bucket and pulley system to remove the dirt as she dug deep below the surface. She had also built a life-size pulley she was easily able to navigate herself up and down in. At night she simply covered the area with a piece of plywood and a tarp, leaving gardening equipment around as an alibi.

Though she still had her own recognizable thoughts, they were mostly clouded by her need to dig. Occasionally, her urge would momentarily change, and she’d go inside to eat, returning to the hole until the next compulsion to sleep.


Sam was a workaholic. She didn’t NOT have friends, but she didn’t have friends. No one who would come check on her if she were sick. No one asked her out on lunch dates. No one to even notice she was missing. She’d always been this way. And she liked it, or so she thought. Lately, though she’d been yearning for more. It was like something was literally missing, a hole where something used to be and it ached to be filled. She loved her work, it had always been her main focus and very fulfilling… but then… the thoughts came. Not just thoughts, but visions.

Sudden flashes of an image of a door began overtaking her. Randomly throughout the day. Not just any door. A very familiar door. A door that felt like home.

The first time she saw it was in a dream. The weird thing? She never remembered her dreams. But this door. She could recall it, clear as day with a simple thought. But it wasn’t just that, she would sneeze and the door would pop into her head or sometimes she’d see it on her computer while at work. The visions started to increase, interrupting her day to day activities. She’d sometimes find herself daydreaming of what was behind the door.


When the digging started it was almost a relief. Finally, she had a real purpose. It felt so right and so good. She knew that whatever she was digging for was pulling her closer, she could feel it.

In a peaceful, euphoric, trance-like state Sam continued to dig later into the night than the previous days. She must be getting closer. The urge wasn’t allowing her to change course or slow down. She was excited, which again increased her productivity. She’d filled a bucket with dirt and pull it up the long dark hole to dump it on the lawn above, flinging the empty bucket down dangerously to be filled again.

She was almost in a frenzy now, completely covered in dirt from head to toe, it ingrained under her fingernails, and filling all nooks and crannies on her clothes and person.


Sam’s shovel hits something.


She hits it again. She scrapes away a few inches of dirt, throws the shovel aside and drops to the ground. Quickly she brushes off the newfound surface. It’s rock, but polished and very beautiful. She lays her head against the cool stone, taking a deep breath and notices that inlaid are several ruby red gems forming an arrow. It points at one of the crude walls of the hole.

She stands up and starts to dig with her hands into the wall. Dirt begins to fall around her and onto her head. She keeps digging. She feels it. It’s there. She knew it was. Or at least some part of her did.

Sam steps back and grabs the shovel scraping the excess dirt revealing the door.

It was exactly as she remembered it. Perfect. Welcoming. Home.


A drop of rain hits her head. Startled she looks up, suddenly awakened from the trance by several more drops hitting her face. She was terrified. Where was she? Why is there a door? Has she been trapped?

No sooner could she ask her self these questions than the warm, euphoric feelings returned, gently ushering her to float towards the door and knock three times.


Slowly the large ancient looking door opens and she hears a voice say,

SFX: “We’ve missed you. We’re glad you’re back.” (dark, deep, scary)

“I’m glad to be back”, her voice speaks without her as she is swept through the doorway, it slamming behind her.



Where to tune in every MONDAY NIGHT 8PM EST:

In the United States? MONDAY NIGHTS (12 AM UTC)

  • 5PM Pacific
  • 6PM Mountain
  • 7PM Central
  • 8PM Eastern
    Pro Tip: Sign into Discord so you can participate in the games in chat. If you have poor internet DO NOT sign into the Listening channel, but DO make yourself known in the chat. If your internet is good, just mute and deafen yourself in Discord and watch the stream from one of the other sources.

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If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.😀

All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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