the comfy chair

a true friend encourages us, comforts us,
supports us like a big easy chair,
offering us a safe refuge from the world
~H Jackson Brown Jr

Some women collect shoes. I have a collection of chairs.

A quick inventory shows I own more than 20 chairs and that's not including outdoor seating. A few are broken and in need of repair.

Presently, one of my oldest is a rocking chair from the 1940's. It resides in my garden minus one rocker, showing its age with peeling chips of paint: red, various shades of green and a hint of white. The birds bathe on the seat that holds a clay plate of water.

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Chairs are usually arranged in pairs, which gives them an important social position. Poems and songs have been written about them. Children love them—they associate chairs with snacking, napping, snuggling and being read to.

All of my chairs have a story.

My favorite thought of a comfortable chair is sitting lakeside on a dock with blanket nearby. A cool breeze might come up, but I’m prepared—with book in hand and a steaming cup of coffee in a ceramic mug.


© 2017, all rights reserved

photo and writing by @countrygirl

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