It was quite the slog getting here, not a whole lot of sleep but wouldn't change this experience for love of money or the love of my gardens...which both have suffered for my trying. No regrets. This is a picture of one of my favorite places to go and meditate my path ahead. If you close your eyes you can picture me there...in the small clearing under the tree by the falling waters. The sounds and the quietude are a balm to my soul.
right click on image to view in larger format

I have met a lot of good people from all of the world, some crazy characters and some seriously talented and accomplished individuals. If you haven't surfed your feed yet and feel that pushing quality content is just not working...I strongly suggest you take a break...get your head up and go meet 'n greet through the feed.

Just grab anything that catches your interest...something new, something old, something blue and catch the wave...jump waves onto other's feeds...but the main thing is to comment, upvote what you really like...encourage others and engage. You'll find you'll go back to making content with a different perspective and refreshed creativity.

This I promise you. You won't regret the time spent, and you'll make some real friends along the way...not just followers...not that there's anything wrong with followers. ~smiles fer miles~

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Show me your peace flag Steemians ...or not. It doesn't have to be you. It could be a representation of what signifies inner peace to you. You know that I use a signature line a lot. ~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~ ...well that's the inner prayer...my mantra. I've had it for years and when things get rough I go to it.

These words have helped me let go of impossible dreams yet allowed me to still dream them. They have allowed me to learn tolerance...patience and gratitude. The words alone have saved my life through serious traumas and life changing surgeries. They've been my companion when alone and my wellspring of joy when I am with friends.

Try them...they are words...but they are powerful words if you allow them to resonate within...then they will express themselves through your outward projection of that inner peace...and they are open source. A gift for all who would use them, improve upon them...build on them.

                          ~may they serve you well~
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