Sorcery in the Dream Village (TMDWA #4)

Sorcery in the Dream Village

[Linguistic brainstorm for a later creation]
The Most Dangerous Writing App (TMDWA) #4
Stream-of-Consciousness Writing Exercise


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Fire of the dream,
Bundle of sticks which hover
Suspended by the mind that pulls.
Arrogance which corresponded to the
Degree of devotion with which the others
Addressed the appearance of a face
Becoming one that's not my
Own but what is more
Sinister that sits

Trigger that manipulates
Bringing all matter under its control
Was it I who pressed? Was it I who, becoming
Impressed, gave worship to the beauty
Feminine internal which sat like
The kaleidoscopic peafowl
Against me?

Many times the assumptions
Flew far, upon a foreign wing
Becoming the mere amusement
That toyed with me

I gamed, I lurked within
Fire, Ice, and their many
Transformations and
Well-versed becameth

Imagination brought me into
A cavern mountainous with feeling

Where had my power gone?
For now, seduced, I was
Embroiled into simplicity
And shunned the past
In ignorance.

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I created this using the five minute session option in "The Most Dangerous Writing App,". While using this website, you can't slow down or stop for more than a couple seconds or your work will all vanish! Today, I used it a bit differently, as a brainstorm for a poem I'm going to create later. It could be considered a "brainstorm" or a "linguistic sketch." Here's the unedited result:

cursive-writing-stars-fire-blend-intense-red (4).jpg

Fire of the dream
Bundle of sticks which hover
Arrogance which corresponded to the
Degree of devotion with which the others
Addressed the appearance of a face
Becoming one that's not my
Own but what is more
Sinister that sits

Trigger that manipulates
Bringing all mater under its control
Was it I who pressed? Was it I who, becoming
Impressed, gave worship to the beauty
Feminine internal which sat like
The kaleidescopic peafowl?

Many times the assumptions
Flew far, upon a foreign wing
Becoming a mere amusement

I gamed and lurked with
Fire, ice, and their many
Transformations and
Well-versed became

Imagination brought me into
A cavern mountainous with feeling

Where had my power gone?
For now, seduced, I was
Embroiled into simplicity
And shunned the past.

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This is my fourth post in this series. This time, I did a bit more editing than before, adding an entire line to the first stanza. I didn't like the results of this session very much, but I am sharing these in the hopes that someone might benefit from seeing the creation process, which is beyond "likes and dislikes," good and bad. Let us destroy the myth that only some people are writers! We can all create if we use the proper tools to practice. Later today, I will post the finished product of what this poem turns into / inspires, and you can compare, if you like, to reference how it influenced the "real thing." If you want to join me in this exercise, you can use "tmdwa" in your tags (the most dangerous writing app).

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All images are
free domain use.

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