My Rules for Writing on Steemit

Having been on the platform for a few weeks now, I have begun to realize that I have subconsciously started to adhere to certain rules when writing here on Steemit. I figured I'd share, since there may be people on the site that could benefit from them.

Have fun

If I’m not having fun, then I’m not on Steemit. This is not a job, this is not work, this is just me writing, vlogging, and being me. Sometimes I tackle serious topics, and sometimes I keep it loose, but either way the only way I am working on anything is if I am having fun while doing it.

Only write what you'd enjoy reading

If I wouldn’t read it, then clearly I’m doing something wrong. For example, some of my readers have followed my Understanding Phish series. I am truly passionate about that band from Vermont, so when I write about them from my heart, I know that is content that I would enjoy if I were to find it elsewhere on the site.

Only write what you’re passionate about about in that moment

I brainstorm topics that I want to work on in my free time to make sure I have options when I begin writing. This process has led to many of the series I currently work on. I have no schedule for when I write on any one topic, but rather, when I sit down to write, I look over some of my ideas to find one that sparks a fire inside me. Finding the right thing to write about in the moment makes writing extremely easy.

Engage, think, reply

You have an audience. Listen to them. Think about what they have to say. Engage them back. Maybe they’ll have ideas on how you can expand your content. Maybe they will express their appreciation for your work. They may even have poignant questions that will help inspire your next post. These people have listened to you, the least you can do is listen to them.

Don’t judge yourself

You can be your own worst critic. Don’t strive for perfection, because you will never achieve it. Write your piece, proofread it, then ask yourself if you enjoyed the content. If you did, let it fly. If not, save it to revisit later. I almost didn’t post one of my best posts, because I thought it was too silly. I almost deleted it. Instead, lots of people liked it and got a good laugh in the process.

Don’t overthink it

What time should I post? Is this too long? Will people read this? Don’t waste your time. Write for you. There really isn’t much else to this process. Be authentic and this won’t be an issue.

Don’t expect

We all want a big payday on Steemit. Upvotes and money are great, but if that’s what you expect, you’re not going to have fun on Steemit. I’ve never expected anything in a post, and have been pleasantly surprised with any support I get. If I only focused on the results, I'd be breaking my first rule.


Steemit is an opportunity for all of us to have fun being us, while sharing that with everyone else. There is only one you. You have stories and experiences in life that no one else has. You have interesting people in your life that no one knows. You have talents and skills that other people might enjoy hearing about. Take advantage of this monopoly of yourself and fill the void on Steemit that is waiting for you.


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