Article - Beliefs and rationality in thoughts, feelings and in acting: You decide your choices in life!


We often find many beliefs in different religions. And all religions in the world are about stucturing our mind to believe in something. Something outside ourself that can be worser or better!

All positions in the world, have some task to learn and practice, and you can also be innovative and doing things in better and more creative ways. But otherwise you should follow the philosophy, the rules and the guidelines for functioning as an organization. You have always the freedom to believe or not believing in life, and the religions are nearly always about believing as strong and good as you can when using all your human forces inside your body. And the religions dwell with all things you find at earth and at the universe, and the reasons and the forces behind where all things come from!

We should make differences between beliefs and rationality when thinking in life. Beliefs are much what we do in the churches, and how we organize our life in reality. It should not be chaos and inferno, but we should live in comfort and in safety, and being conscious about the choices we are doing. We can do nothing, do something, or we can do everything with just having the time capacity to it. And beliefs are also things we can do in the daily life, and finding solutions that are in accordance with our inner motives and our inner wishes. The religions determine how you are, and the choices you are doing in different organizations and in different markets are always related to our personality and to what we have learned though the childhood and through the different the grown ups! We are as we are due to which impacts we have had in families and among friends, and our beliefs about what we perceive about the reality!

We have beliefs in all religions, otherwise there are no religions. Imagine no religions, and people just living for today as John Lennon told us and still tells us in eternity in «Imagine». We also have beliefs in many other places, and we are as we are in accordance to what our leaders have told us ever. We have beliefs in churches, in markets and in organizations, and in all other places that are conceivable, but we should distinguish between beliefs and rationality. Rationality is about making something sensible, and asking if something is making things sense? We should think and use our abilities and our capacities and capabilities when it is sensible, and there should also be a competition in life about doing things in the best ways, and doing things as intelligent as they could be. And all people and professors are just giving us messages and statements about what we should think in choices, and what is the most sensible thing to do.

Rationality is about doing things in sensible ways, when thinking that things could be done in stupidly ways. Organizations and people should earn money, and not losing too much money. You should not be in prison, but you should be a strong friend and a voice to the relevant society in question. Rationality is about what is possible to think, and what this implies, and beliefs are about what we put our faith within. And rationality and beliefs can be combined. Think always about what is possible to do, and when and why you should be sensible, and whether you should believe or not believing in something. Think about when thinking is not sensible, and when beliefs are not sensible. And struture your life in accordance with the literature, the free thinking, and if you should think, believe, or doing both things. And every statement has a meaning or not. And you should ignore statements being not reflected in long education and in long research backgrounds. The schools at every levels give us something to put in our minds, and if we are being seriously, we should learn something, and the education should do something with us, and we should be more open, more reflecting and more wondering humans. And that is true in all directions in life!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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