Article - On building and destroying world economies by using money!


Monetary analysis is always important for private and public organizations. And the government and the public sector should not destroy the economy for different countries by blowing up the activities!

Many years of time have gone, since the first money was launched in the world. And as actors coming from everywhere in the world with a body, you could either do something right or something wrong. There have through all times been pressures in the economies going on in businesses and countries in the world. We need to take care of the present and the future, and to cope with that we must do right things, and we must do things in right ways. To adapt and adjust for that, we need financial institutions and government taking care of what is going on. And we need visible hands and visible assets to make the world a better place to live and to work. Through all world history, there have been monetary work and fall of empires. You cannot always win all wars everywhere, even if you have a strong wish for that. But as president John F. Kennedy said: We should win the wars!

There are always patterns of wars, and you need to discover it to make the right things happen! World economies have through all times survived, but many have had problems with blowouts and to large economies in money due to big inflations. Dictatorship and the center of the cities, are focusing on getting businesses run properly in every country in every place. Rome and USA have fought for no inflation, but they have not mastered it though the history. And we can make monetary analysis every place in every organization though all conceivable times. And money use is either intelligent or it is stupid.

Different economies for businesses and countries have had pure gold and silver standard for money, and hence they have had little or no inflation since the value for money has been bonded to something concrete and valuable in nature. Some economies have also had chaos, and not every leader has been conscious and reflected as telling what to do in time and why! We have had many money made for wars. And the government and the public organizations have stressed to maintain the purchasing power in the economy, since we need to buy as populations to make businesses go on! The quantity theory of money, tell us that if we make more currency we put pressure on the prices, and hence we take money from the people. That is not a desired and welcome action! This blowing-up of the economy, means that we produce more coins, and accordingly we are extending the currency! Stable money base makes stable prices and a good society, and unstable money base makes unstable prices and a bad society! So the government and the financial markets and financial institutions can choose the ways to lead the societies. And this development should not be badly! Many more money in the economies have meant the empires have been extended, and that there have been never-ending wars! President John F. Kennedy and president Nixon made monetary choices in right ways, but many presidents and prime ministers around the world in history, have also made bad decisions and bad choices. Hence, we should not think good of anything unless there is research fundament for it!

No money or a low quantity of money mean problems for the currency and the country in question. So we need money in any economy, and we have to calculate and assess how much to use. We can find information on these decisions inside the banks, on the websites, on the internet, and in the boarding offices! And no tree grows into heaven, and hence the actors in the economy should think balanced, reflected and in good ways! We are all humans coming with different background from different countries. And the world is not enough, according to James Bond!

The most attractive currency in the world is US dollars, and it will remain as such as the United States produces good presidents, also on CNN, to lead the world. And the strange thing is that everything is depending on a human, and the human minds are not always open and including for everyone! Some economies are therefore closed!

Everything we do has a power base somewhere. And we can question it, and be in doubt of it! All decisions are either intelligent in the lives, or they are not. That is for every place on earth! The government under president Nixon was even worse, since he dwelled with an inflation. Holders of gold and silver standard must try to retain purchasing power. All currencies have their history. Their values are dependent on demand and offering in the markets. And one needs to get the money linked to a value base if we should not produce money in endless ways!

Too much inflation is bad for a society, and especially hyperinflation is not desired. The prices go up, and the money get as lower value for the same amount! One needs always to pay for objects in societies, and that is true for goods and services. The revolutions in the world made some changes in the monetary use, and it had consequences for prices and wages. But the real economies with marketing and economies as exchanges are still the most popular way to think of life! Many of us are always trying to do our best, and there has been different spending in economies during wars. Some communities are trying to fix the wages and the prices. As humans, we are overthrowing the government with better decisions that they have thought about ever! Several businesses are losing everything, although the markets are trying to balance things! Some get bankruptcy, and the politics is sending the responsibility for doing things to the next administration! Accordingly, problems are not solved with their roots, and we get no decisions, bad decisions, or something strange in organizations. Organizations are either sleeping, they work in wrong ways, or they are working in right ways!

We need crypto currencies in the world in the future. We have to fight within and across markets all over the world, and we must receive an e-mail, an SMS or a MMS with information about what to do! And we must use the planes and the airports effectively to get from place to place. We are living a busy life, and things must happen! That is true in Chicago and in other cities around the whole world!

Venezuela is an example on that ordinary money use do not work in the long run. Governments are going out of power, there are oil reserves many places, there are many politicians engaged in many places, and some are doing something and some are doing nothing. We need to think of which money types we should use in future, and explain the socities functioning for every country for every place! We are using much money on health, education, research, food and beverages and travels! We should always think of if prices and wages are at an acceptable level, and what can eventually be done to get it better! We are also using money on taxes, duties, airports and restaurants! We should use crypto currency, since we should not print money out of all conceivable manners! Social programs should be including and for everybody, and this means that we should use currencies to cope with different challenges and different problems in our lives around the globe! In addition, there should be no poverty in different socities, and there should be no troubles and no problems, if we can avoid it!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

Photoes from CCC (Content Creator Channel), by Ulla Jensen

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