Article - On examining the functions of the European Union: What is really this union?


The European Union (EU) is a union for 28 national states in Europe. There are around 200 countries in the whole world, so this community is a gravitation force in Europe!

The European Union comes from the European Community. It was orginally formed by 6 countries in 1951 and in 1958. Norway is a little country in the world, and we are not member of the European Union, and we have had referendum of being incorporated into the European Community, and this referendum was in 1972. The answer for Norway was no. And the prime minister in Norway at that time was Trygve Bratteli. In 1994, Norway had a new referendum, now for the European Union, and the answer was no this time also. The prime minister in Norway that time was Gro Harlem Brundtland.

The European Union is for businesses that are great, and can develop themselves even further. And the firm in question can have its location in different towns and in different cities in Europe. The European Union is an institution, and its four freedoms are freedom for goods and services, for labour and for capital. The headquarters is located in Brussels in Belgium. Since the start of the union, there have been more and more countries being included into the collaboration. Great Britain has Brexit, and that means being outside the EU. But maybe they can be included in the future, who knows for sure?

The European Union (EU) has different functions, and it is organized into seven organs. You cannot reach all these positions without having competence and research background. Every detail can be focused on doing research! These organs are the European Council, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the European Court, the European Central Bank and the Auditing Council. These organs have some defined functions, and they are giving businesses and organizations the right to be and to develop themselves. You can think great in the European Union (EU)! The organs are supranational and intergovernmental, and they can make decisions that have consequences for the member states in the union! Hence, interorganizational relations and national philosophy about making welfare, inclusion and warmth are factors that are welcome for all the nations in the EU.

The EU is about international trade, and the nations included in the union should do business within the nation, but also across the nations! Language and culture and traditions are things that are used in the nations that are included. Import, trade within the country and export are always things that are done! You should be superior in English to front the union! And contacts around the whole world are just serious and funny, and you should use the power in your body! Power is just within us, and we can have power on different levels in the societies.

The European Union started with the European Community. And first they included coal and steel as the most important products to do trade with! The European Community (EF) was named to the European Union (EU) in 1993 with the Maastricht Treaty. This Treaty was signed in Maastricht in the Netherlands at the 7 February 1992. There have been changes in the European Community and in the European Union since its very start, but the trade and the collaboration between countries are always desired activities. And the work doing in the different organs is about statements and documents, and you should say things in different channels, also on TV, and you can write things with quality, since your personality then is loved and admired! The European Union is about different people having positions, and they have to focus on working tasks, also as in Tour de France!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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