Article - On solving brand crises by revitalization and by building brand image!


Branding should be constant, serious and funny affair, just as our foreign affairs in different countries. We should try to weaken any brand crisis, and we should build brands in strongly ways, and try to avoid brand crisis.

Everyone has heard and read about brand crises for different companies in business life. We should try to have as few brand crises as possible. Such crises are worrisome for many things. It can be the whole company, it can be the products, and it can be a combination. Brand crises arise due to bad decisions internally in a company, or it can have something to do about the external environments like vendors and customers. Any brand should be strong, advantageous and unique, and we should try to build relations in markets by selling brands that has a symbol and an attractive name different places. We should also sell ourselves as employees, and everybody should get a positive and strong brand image about our impressions in the markets. Vendors should be serious and they should talk to us, and distribution channels are like a vendor and a customer economies. Any brand crisis should be taken in its causes, and we should solve it in the following ways:

1)  Building brands by positive campaigns and activities!

2)  Revitalization of brands

3)  Making good impressions by building brand image!

Brands are perhaps the most critical and the most important visible and invisible asset we can have. Most often, brands are visible in the markets. But we can close their ways of being, and doing the brands invisible in the markets by just having them in internal markets. We should build brands by giving information to the markets, and we should have activities that support our company philosophy. That can be for every company in the business markets, like for instance airlines and hotels. And all is about organizing the employees and the leadership in such ways that vendors and customers appreciate it. And be should always build loyalty in business relations, and try to do the best of things in the short and in the very long run!

We should always use our brains, and the intelligences and the knowledges are always crucial for getting profitability and competitive advantages. Competitive advantages are built by using our employees better than the competition, and to give better impressions and better prices to the markets. We are working in clusters that cooperative or compete, and every way we are just operating alone or together in the company! But the philosophy for our company is including and warm, and that means you can be at whatever place you like in the markets, and these markets can be internal and/or external. In the beginning, there were markets!

Another way to solve the brand crisis is by doing revitalization of brands. This means that you should build new brands in markets, when you have reasons for it in cognitions and in emotions in the company. Revitalization of brands means to start once more time, or to change the brand name and the brand symbols. And all branding things and branding activities are just an X you can have constant or change in the markets both internally and externally. You get the right brand decisions by asking people, customers, vendors, employees and the leadership, and you should also try to take chances in markets. Nobody has ever in history had a correct solution for everything conceivable. That is true at all levels in all societies.

You can also solve a brand crisis by building brand image. That is about giving good impressions and good imaginations to the markets. You choose a brand due to decisions, and you try to build good and positive and strong relations to that in the markets. Markets are either internal or external, and the ways of communication, bad or sensible, are channels to catch the people in organizations you are working together with!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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