On exploring the center and the extension of black holes!


There are many black holes in the cosmos. They are called black holes because they are black. And there are clusters of stars within them!

Our lives are just breathing and movements. And on earth, we are inside or outside buildings and locations. Other explanations at earth are impossible. This is the situation for every place in every country located on earth. Today, human beings are living on earth, and there is light and darkness there during the day and the night.

There are many lights in the sky. It is behind gas and stars, and it is strange. There are many explosions in the universe from time to time! Every second or eventually with less time, there is an explosion! We have to learn about what black holes are, and how they evolve! There are several galaxies in the universe, and the most near to the earth is the milky way! Some of these galaxies contain 200 billion stars. And there is gas, dust, and light inside and around the black hole! The black holes are packed with stars! There have been scientists in history trying to understand the deep structure out there. There is much curiosity in the universe, and there is important to get a new understanding at a new level, since the human mind ever in human lives!

There are many answers and questions about the universe. We have not all answers and questions today, but maybe they come in the future. We are trying to understand the human nature everywhere, and what and why we are doing as we are doing. We must try to get the galaxies in full view. As humans, we are seeing things, buildings, infrastructure, persons and transportation vehicles through clear or unclear visions from the earth. If it is unclear, there is much gas out there. This gas can be located at earth or outside the earth in the universe.

Today, we have done experiments with making telescopes to monitor the universe. We have several of them in the USA. And also in other countries. The earth is a ground and a heaven at every space in time. Time and space cannot be assessed separately at earth. We must follow the physical laws!

Some researchers in Germany and in America, have been examined the energy, and where it comes from. They are using sensitivity analysis, and they are tracking gas. The masses are calculated inside the earth and outside the earth. Every thing can be counted, and also humans! The black holes are super mass concentration! We find conclusive evidences there, and we can measure the deepness and the extent of all galaxies. There are perhaps 20 000 black holes in the universe. And there are large stars and red lights out there. There are high level of radiation there. And there are stars around and inside black holes, and they are more light years gone.

There are clusters of stars out there. The evolution of the galaxies has something to do with black holes. These holes have a source and a heat. The telescopes that are used, have been made from engineers with installing distance measures and motors. Things are changing in the universe, they are not constant. One can opening a black hole, and the black hole is rotating. Scientists are constantly viewing the watching if any new surprise happens in the universe! The changes have passed through billions of years of time! There are always a cluster or a spreading of lights and things in the universe, also at all of our planets. There are no borders in the universe, it is constantly being larger. Maybe, we can know everything in future.

We have many questions about the universe, even today as we know much! How did it form? Will the earth be bright enough although we have the sunlight? How will the universe evolve? What about our understanding of everything, also with the same and the new scientific experiments?

There are several other questions about the universe. Which dimensions does it have everywhere? How large is it? How has the earth come to be? How does the earth work every place?

There are still thousands of explosions going on in the universe, and that is due to the masses and the movements. The masses in the black holes are 3 to 4 timers higher than at the sun. There is an extreme high density of things inside a black hole! And inside the black holes, the gravitational forces are so great that nothing can escape, even the light! The boundary around the relevant black hole in question is called for the event horizon!

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

Photoes from CCC (Content Creator Channel), by Ulla Jensen  

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