Our solar system in a series of 11: The number six. The discovery of Saturn!


The world space is a fantastic area for humans, rockets, cars and other things. And people and researchers can say and write whatever they want, with giving and receiving messages.

Humans have freedom in much, and the freedom should be in such ways that there could be scientific progresses in many areas in sciences. We need creativity and analysis with full power, but we do not need restrictions on what is going on.

There are markets for many products in the world, and that is just old products and new products. Product development and making new things creates new ways of business. And many people from different countries find it interesting to invest time and efforts within.

We are now coming to the planet Saturn. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun, and it is the second largest planet in the solar system, just after Jupiter. The name ‘Saturn’ is named after the Roman god Saturn. That is often the situation for the planets in the solar system, they are called something in relation to a god. And our galaxy and our way of understanding the universe, must take care that there could be other things other places, and that our galaxy is just one of several. Hence, the discoveries other places can be many, and there will probably be several in the future.

But what is truth? And what is fair? We should perceive as what is possible to perceive. And we should explain as much as we can experience and learn! Saturn is nearly ten times bigger than the earth. Saturn is together with the plant Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune a gas planet. The middle distance from the sun is 1 427 million kilometers.

The moons around Saturn are 62 in number, and 53 of these have been given name. Even 3 more moons were discovered around Saturn of Cassini in 2004, but these are not scientifically confirmed. There are many things going around in our galaxy, and there are also many other things going on in other galaxies. And hence, there is much to discover, and we can discover even more to all times! And there are probably many billions of galaxies and many different solar system in the whole universe. There is always something to be engaged within. Accordingly, there is much work to be done at earth at every time! We can still make new discoveries in future, and we can take good pictures using telescopes at the earth. The largest moon around Saturn is greater than the planet Mercury!

Saturn is using 29,42 year-olds around the sun. And a day is nearly 10 hours at Saturn. The planet circulates around as other planets. Saturn is the most flattened of all the planets in our solar system. Saturn is the planet having the smallest mean density, and that density is 0,7 points of the density to the water!

The Nobel prizes can be won in different scientific disciplines. And at every time, there are some words and some contributions to know which we know badly, or an area which is not known at all. We need to know nature, and every scientific book can be even better in another place! Science is always about giving knowledges to communities and using scientific methods to confirm or deny assumptions which are made!

Saturn is having around -170 degrees celsius on the top of the cloud layer to around 12 000 degrees celsius around the center. And people, relatives and families have made investigations through all times, and it still will continue to be done!

And how did all these things that can be observed start? And how is the evolution through all conceivable times? And how is the most plausible story about the universe? There are probably many books and much contributions about what is going on, and many of these can be done even better, and some contributions can be changed, even from Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, Yale and MIT!

Seen from the earth, Saturn is just a yellow and blossom globe. And there are too little structures there, of all the structures we can think of! Saturn is a gas planet, and it consists of 75 % hydrogen, 25 % helium and some small amounts of other gases. Saturn is consisting of a solid core in the middle, and outside this there are liquid gases. There is an atmosphere around Saturn, and we still are doing research about it as we also are about many things and many persons at earth!

Saturn has been known through many earlier time periods. And it was first discovered of Galileo Galilei in 1610. And several research investigations have been done since that year. And there is knowledges and evolution to know something about! We cannot know all simultaneously, the knowledge has to be known incrementally! There are rings around Saturn, and these have been discovered earlier in times.

The atmosphere around Saturn has different ribbon, colors and swirls as at Jupiter! And we can make research about every small and great things. Every written thing at earth is just a contribution about understanding something more properly! And this understanding can be made in the whole universe, about everything everywhere ever since!

At Saturn, there is a jest stream with winds to the east! And the speed of the wind can come up to 500 meters per second! Hence, we find general and specific weather conditions here, and this has always been done and it is true through the history of the earth! But the telling methods and the technology has differed through all human times!

Knowledge collection and brain activity vary in all humans! But the most central positions in different cultures and in different societies are not deeply rooted in all associations that can be made in the brain. We should experience with the brain, and getting information from humans about what is their experiences, and what should be known about different systems. Cognitive developments and intelligence works are always exciting, interesting and sometimes funny! You should be focused on precision and on diversity! And knowledge is not just within research environments, it is in all channels that are possible to find in any country!


Saturn is 95 times larger than the earth! And we can still do many more research investigations about what is the function about the planet. Could we find living humans, living creatures, living animals, living plants and more living materials at any place in the universe? Yeah, something we have found, and we will continue our new and new search in all times we are able and capable of it!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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