The extensions in the universe!


The universe has a history since all conceivable times. There is much debate and many opinions about how long the universe has stood.

Time and space should be considered simultaneously, not separately at earth. Many questions are surronding us living at earth. What if here are living creatures at other planets? What if your body consist of several dimensions and variables, for instance billions of dimensions and variables? What is happening when we are death? Are we going through anything, where can we come, and where will we actually be? What if we become a flower or an animal? Nobody knows for sure. We can be something, or we could be nothing.

The universe is constantly extended itself, and it is being greater and greater. Maybe, the actual size of the universe is like an infinity size? The universe has a hard drive in it. There is a lot of information to take care of, and we can doing research in every second! Everything in history has an explanation or not. As humans, we should live as we can live, and that can be one or several places at one or more than one planets. Humans, animals and creatures should live and breath at any place where they can!

There are many objects and things in our solar system. The universe has a history. Every book on earth is about the life, the earth and the universe. The system out there is about evolution and evolution processes. Many researchers in history have done explorations and examinations in the universe, and we are finding different things there. The central parts are the sun, the moon, the earth, the planets and the stars. And we find several galaxies out there, and several structures with stars.

What if you someday get overrun by a trailer? If you are dead after that, what is really happening with your body? Are you living with many dimensions in another reality, or is nothing happening with you?

There are several black holes in the universe. They have gravity forces that are great, and nothing can escape, even the light! Albert Einstein made several equations for the light, and the world press was present at his presentation. He explained where the light comes from, why where is light, the speed of the light, and what the light is doing with us. And in addition, there is darkness, when there is no light!

The universe is constantly being greater, and we still find new things in it! UFOs is Unidentified Flying Objects, and there is from time to time coming objects from the universe into the earth. Maybe, we can use LISREL to explain some structures in the universe, and maybe we should also find unlinear structures, using other data programs than LISREL. LISREL is standing for LInear Structural RELations. We can explain input, equations and output in different countries state budget by using LISREL!

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

Photoes from CCC (Content Creator Channel), by Ulla Jensen  

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