The mystery behind the rainbow!


We see the rainbow on the heaven. It is deflection, mirroring and color fringing of sun rays in millions of water drops. The drops are spherical and not drop-shaped as one should imagine!

Many years have gone since we have seen the rainbow at our first time. And much thinking and imaginations can be linked to it. Many speculations have been made around it through all periods of time. The rainbow appears like a luminous circle in the sky. The observer’s line of sight to an arbitrary point on the rainbow forms an angle of 42 degrees with the direction of the sun.

The spectator only sees the light thrown back from the rain drops at a certain angle. The rainbow is seen if you stand with the sun in your back, and if you look at a dense amount of rain drops usually a rainbreak. Because the colors are deflected differently, they give the drops at a height red light, at another height green light etc.

The deflection occurs inside the raindrop. The light is broken at an angle of 42 degrees. That is the same angle as the arc forms. The rainbow looks always like a semicircle. Why is it so? Is it due to the contour of the raindrops, or is it due to the refraction? The sunlight is composed of all colors, and when the ligth hits a raindrop, the light is slightly different. It is this that gives the rainbow its colors.

The rainbow is framed with different mysteries. Some people think that they will find a bucket of gold where the rainbow ends. This truth exists in the comics. Hence, you should not believe too much in this confession. Dance in a wealth of different styles creates much excitement, colors and magic. Hence, the dancing styles in a mix of different colors with different performances and shows, and the dancing can be associated with the rainbow. According to the Bible and the Genesis, the rainbow is a symbol from the God that the earth should never be destroyed by a flood of water.

The colors in the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

Photoes from CCC (Content Creator Channel), by Ulla Jensen 

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