The solar system in a series of 11: The number two! On exploring the moon!


The moon has a special history and special functions in the universe! There have been different imaginations around the moon through all times of life!

We are talking and writing much about concepts and sustainable development of resources at earth. But that is about humans and what properties humans have of creating things and development every place you can think about!

But the universe is great, and some means that there are no borders in it. At the same time, humans can develop their brain independently of where they come from and what they have ever learned! And the brain has no borders in development, if we are trying in all life to develop the brain completely! Everything is stable or has a stimulus at earth!

The moon is special, and many mean there would not have been any life at earth, if the moon had been removed or destroyed! There have ever in history been different imaginations about what the moon has been. In earlier times, the people meant that the moon was a yellow cheese! Some have also had problems with understanding what the moon has been!

Many researchers in the world, think that the moon has been created by a collision in the universe. That happened for 4.5 billion years ago. There was a collision with the earth and the planet Theia, og Theia was about the same size and as the same property as the planet Mars. And that collision implied that the earth gave a lot of stones and dust to the moon. And today, we see the moon as a yellow light with some dark areas within it. And these dark areas are stones, mountains and impact craters!

The space race between the USA and the Soviet Union during the cold war after the second world war was an informal rivalry with being first in the space with different rockets! They had a competition about being the first on the moon! And the USA did it first, when Neil Amstrong and Edwin «Buzz» Aldrin entered the moon at 20 July 1969. Many people at earth thought that day would be a doomsday, since it had never happened before. That was a great moment ever since in human history, and president John F. Kennedy had had this mission as the US president in the period 1960 to 1963. It was a great moment for human man kind, and a small step in every conceivable time!

The moon is important for the light at the earth, and it can cover the whole sun! The moon has bound rotation, and that means that we are always seeing the same side of the moon at earth. The moon uses approximately 29 days to rotate around its own axis. That is the reason we are seeing the same side of the moon every month, and this side of the moon is showing the moon completely. The word moon is coming from the word month.

The moons draws on the oceans, and it creates the tide! And it is a warm-hot dial that is illuminated by the sun. As humans, we cannot live at earth without the moon! Otherwise, there would be much darkness at the earth! We can think of everything in the universe, and we are using different intelligence levels and different brain to cope with what is going on. And such has it been in all human history, including all discoveries!

The earth shadows for the sun, at that is the reason that we do not always see the moon in full light! We have lunar eclipses sometimes, and as such we cannot see the moon at earth sometimes. But the mail rule is that we can see the moon, and accordingly it gives light and warmth to the universe and to the earth!

The earth´s slope in relation to the sun is creating the different seasons: spring, summer, autumn and the winter. The earth is having different slope in relation to the moon from time to time, and therefore we see just some part of the moon most times. This is due to the fact that the moon is going around the earth, and the sun shines light on the moon every time, but we do see the moon just partly at the earth. We have days according to the earth´s rotation around itself, and we have month in relation to the rotation to the moon. And a year is constituted in accordance with the earth´s rotation around the sun. The sun is shining constantly every time!

It was the Babylonians who created the definition of the week for more than 4000 years ago. And in addtion, we also find description about it in the Bible! So, time is time due to systematic analysis of the universe, and accordingly we have the calendars that we have from year to year!

We can disagree about how many years the universe has been there. But we can just speculate, and try to find good evidences of what has ever happened! The most people on the planet think that science and evolution are the best way to explain things and persons, and that there has been a big bang sometimes somewhere!

There are technical equipments on the moon, and that is due to humans being there. Some researchers mean that there has been life on the moon, since there are traces from different ice ages there, and since there is water there! No liquid water, a thin atmosphere and some mooning dust are things that you find there. Since there are no winds or other disturbing elements on the moon, we can find the traces of all moonfares through all times that humans have been there, and you can find communication about it on the internet address: NASA is an exciting and interesting and funny organization for all space research during all times!

It does not sprout and does not grow any living material on the moon. But maybe people can live there, and some universities in the world are exploring what is happening there.

The moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system. Gravity recoveries from several research environments in the world have revealed that the gravity is one sixth on the moon in relation to what it is on the earth. Accordingly, you can be there as a human kind! And some researchers today think that gravity is something that can show differences in the universe due to distances and time. As humans, we cannot be sure about anything without having scientific evidences for it! And theories should be used for two purposes: They should be used to test if beliefs are in accordance with empirical facts, and for explaining what is going on!

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The solar system in a series of 11: The number one! Focus on the earth!

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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