The world inventions: The discovery and the evolution of gunpowder!


The gunpowder has a fascinating history. It has been used in the wars, and every war you are within should be beaten, and you should be a strong as possible and being a star in the world!

You should try to think all life! Sometimes, people do as they do without any philosophy, and without thinking about how things are and have been. But life is enigmatic and mysterious, and we do not always have all the right questions of all conceivable, and we do not always have all the right answers about what is our mind just now!

Gunpowder has an exciting history, and it is difficult to live life without coming into a war in physically or mentally manners. In China, they used black gunpowder-like mixtures for more than 2000 years ago, and they used it to fireworks. The gunpowder was used in Europe in the beginning of the 1200s. It was first mentioned of the researcher on nature called for Roger Bacon. It was used in Europe to create thunder and flashes of lightning. First in the 1300s, one understood that one could use the gunpowder in firearms. After a while, one was thinking about using gunpowder in rockets and in bombs. And there were also people thinking about using the generally explosives to create things like mines and roads. We are using the gunpowder in several ways today, but sometimes we use it to try to win the wars we are fronting and coming into.

The gunpowder is still coming in new and in modern versions. Such is also the evolution of the world and the nature. The world and the nature are new and none-grey and too old, but the humans are getting older and older in life, and hence they are grey and old when being an elder person!

We have several types of gunpowder, and they are black gunpowder, the smoky gunpowder and the sulfur-free gunpowder. The black gunpowder is the the oldest and the most known gunpowder. It was as I mentioned developed by China. And the scientific development will still continue to do its improvements. The philosophy or the meaning of life is to be better than ever before! The meaning of life is to structure the life even better with yourself and your environments with even better solutions than the world has even thought about. From China, the knowledge and the development of the black gunpowder spread itself to several other countries. But the Chinese people were slowly to find the areas where the black gunpowder could be used. The black gunpowder has been used several places like for instance in fireworks, rockets, bombs and cannon! It was first used by the military. In the beginning of the 1300s, the Chinese people developed a cannon, and India developed the black gunpowder at the same time.

The black gunpowder came to Europe in the beginning of the 1300s. It was the monk Berthold Schwarz in Freiburg that was the originator of the black gunpowder in 1310, and it was much used in weapons and for weapon purposes at that specific time. Black gunpowder was the only practical explosive to the end of 1800s. The science and the development of the cannons were early on the markets, and they were used on the siege of Metz in 1324. And the year after this year, in 1325, the cannons were used as the arsenal of weapons many places in Europe!

The black gunpowder is consisting of charcoal, sulfur and nitrous oxide. As mentioned, the black powder can be used to many purposes in peace and in wars, and today we find the uses in different types of fireworks around the globe! The fireworks are often like rockets and/or china guns! In the late 1800s, one started to use smoky black powder as fuel in firearms. It was orginally made by dipping cotton in a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid. Today, we use smoky black powder in a mixture of nitrocellulose and nitroglycosis. We also have sulfur-free powder, and this was developed in England in the late 1800s. It is containing the same elements as black gunpowder, but it is not containing sulfur!

You find information about the black gunpowder at the internet. And you find information about which companies you can visit, and which companies you can buy from!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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