The paper clip is a famous invention. The paper clip is a squeeze to hold sheets of paper together. And many people in business life and in private life are using the clip to get convenience and comfort in life!
The most paper clip in the world have been in production for more than 100 years. Think about how life is with or without the clip, and imagine what reality you wish for all purposes. The steel wire in the paper clip makes almost two full rounds. The paper clip has been produced in other variants also, of all you can think about of technical solutions. They have been produced in colored plastic coating. The paper clip are also molded in plastic. Hence, we find several variants of the clips, and your and my creativity is just putting the borders or the freedom which we can just imagine for ourselves for being a superior world! What can you ever expect for being a human mind? Just the same as you, or people being fantastically oriented and that we have mutual supports for our different doings.
We are just asking ourselves today what Norway has ever done of inventions through the human history, and that is not too much! But many Norwegians think that the paper clip was an invention made by Norway, but that is not true. Johan Vaaler is a Norwegian guy being an inventor of the paper clip, but that belief does not concord with the usual world belief. Johan Vaaler was working at in a patent office, but he was not the first with the paper clip. He was employed in a patent office from 1892, and in 1899 he made his first paper clip, and it was accepted as a new solution in 1901.
The first patent for a clip in the world was made by Samuel B. Fay in 1867. His clip was designed to attach labels to textiles. Accordingly, the ways we are using the clip today on paper and on other relevant things is another working world than we had before. The next known patent of the paper clip was given to Erlman J. Wright in 1877. This clip was made for paper, and this is probably the start of our modern paper clip, and in form and in function it is quite like the nowadays versions!
Several patents on the clip came in the 1890s, and Henry Petroski has published a list of 27 American patents from 1898 to 1994 for different variants of the clip! Therefore, we have not just have one solution of many conceivable, but we have had many types of clips!
As mentioned, Johan Vaaler, was in the markets with his patent in 1901. He came from Norway, and we were some of the first in the world, but not actually the first one! Therefore, you find different stories and different so-called clip solutions with the true occasions, but Wright was first in 1877. In the world, many claim that Norway should have the honor of inventing the paper clip, but that is not true! And today, we get more and more clips with different ways of being. Hence, all the conceivable uses in the future that we have of the paper clip, will define how many variants that we find in the world!
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Sverre Larsen
Kristiansand, Norway
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