One Of The Easiest Ways To Help Other People

All of us have our bad days from time to time.

Some have a more difficult time than others. And we could all use a little encouragement once in awhile. One of the easiest ways that we can help other people around us is by being a voice of encouragement for them and offering them positive reinforcement.

For those of us who don't have a lot of financial resources available, but who still want to be able to help others around us, there are plenty of creative ways to go about doing it. And one of the easiest things to do is to give someone else time and attention (help them when they need) or provide them with some verbal encouragement.

We could just as easily discourage and try to bring others down around us.

But you never know when positive words might really make a difference to someone and be just what they need to hear at the time.

Many of us are surrounded by people who frequently criticize, find fault, and try to bring others down. But we can choose to encourage instead. Providing someone with some positive reinforcement can provide them strength, it can encourage, it can even provide them with hope.

Negativity can often be very life-sucking and there are enough people out there being casually cruel and harshly critical. Why not try to inspire, uplift, and motivate, instead?

When it comes to our relationships with others, simply offering verbal encouragement and motivation is an easy way that we can provide value to the lives of other people around us. It can help to strengthen our current relationships and also help us gain new ones.

And it doesn't take anything but our time and effort.

Studies suggest that kindness breeds more kindness and therefore engaging in something like encouraging someone else, might then spur some good even further down the road, it has the potential to influence many more positive acts.

For those who themselves feel discouraged and who want to feel better again, sometimes encouraging others is a quick way to go about doing that.

This is because when we are feeling discouraged, focusing on the problem is often going to make it worse. Directing that attention to others instead and encouraging them is an easy way to try and boost your own mood, to stop dwelling on the problem.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

The Waterboy via Giphy
Horrible Bosses via thedailytouch

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