The Small Parts Are The Most Expensive

taxi lights

The best story tellers in the world are taxi drivers. And it seems I can't get enough of their stories lately...

Evening ride, talkative driver. Didn't even had to push him, when he saw I was willing to listen, he started:

"Gardening at my father's house. Small jobs, nothing fancy. Got there, parked the car, left the engine running and got down. But it was a small bump. Not big. A small one. But enough to make my door close after I got out. I mean, can you imagine? Car locked, engine running and no way for me to get in. Man, I thought like 15 minutes."

He stops talking for a while, and I can almost feel the effort. Thinking for 15 minutes.

"Then, you know what I did?" he asked, just to see if I'm still hooked to the story.
"Nope, but I'd really want to know."
"Well, I phoned a car thief. Bad luck. The guy didn't know how to do my car. Told me those are kinda difficult. But he gave me the number of another guy. I phoned the second car thief. Bad luck again, he didn't know how to break in either. Desperate, I called a cop. Bleah. Even worse than the car thieves. Had no idea whatsoever. In the end, I called a mechanic from my service. No clue."

He stops again, breathing deeply.

"And then, I took a hammer. But I was clever. I didn't go for the windshield. I went for the smallest part of the lateral window. You see: there, at the back door, the window is made of two pieces. I broke the smallest one. Nice and clean. Got in, stopped the engine, solved my problem."

And then, just when I thought the story was over, he starts talking again:

"5 minutes after, my neighbor, who's like my best friend, walks in.

  • What did you do, you moron?
  • Broke the smallest window part, you idiot, I answered.
  • You know how much is it?
  • Nope.
  • Well, the smallest part is always the most expensive, and hard to find. It's 100$. If you would broke the biggest part, it would have been 20$."

We were just 1 minute away from my destination. At this specific moment, the driver turned gently, closed one eye, and almost whispered to me:

"From that day, whenever my wife has any comments, you know, like in bed, I always tell her: Girl, the smallest parts are the most expensive and hard to find. Be happy you got one of these..."
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I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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