Puyehue National Park

The location of Puyehue National Park, Puyehue National Park is located between the Los Lagos region and the Los Ríos region, the city of Osorno is located approximately 80 km east of the park. With an area of ​​107,000 hectares Puyehue National Park is divided into three sectors (Antillanca, Anticura, and Aguas Calientes).


How to get to Puyehue National Park ?, to get to the National Park Puyehue is necessary to take the International Route CH 215, this links the cities of Osorno in Chile and Bariloche in Argentina. The route is totally asphalted. In km 76 the U-215 diversion that leads to the sector of Aguas Calientes and Antillanca is formed, there are too many bus services with daily departures to Puyehue National Park from Puerto Montt, these usually increase their departures in summer.

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