Geneva is as active in winter as at any other time of year. Walks through the colorful autumnal parks or on the winter banks and coastal walks alternate with shopping or cultural experiences of the first level: theater, opera, ballet, cinema, concerts, cabaret, 30 museums. Or savor a sybarite menu in one of the many excellent restaurants, five of them distinguished with Michelin stars? An excursion to the nearby ski areas of the Alps or the Jura? Great city atmosphere and peace of countryside, elegant city life and sport in the open nature.


Floral Clock

It is one of the most famous and most photographed spots in Geneva. Approximately 6,500 plants decorate this floral harmony that has the peculiarity of changing with the seasons. Thanks to the wealthy families of Geneva, this city enjoys being the one that has more square meters of green areas per inhabitant in all Switzerland. Year after year the great variety of parks vibrate with the constant visits of tourists and locals, who enjoy many activities between flowers and gardens. In many of these parks you will be able to observe concerts of classical music, opera, street artists and a long etc of free shows that will be the fascination of many.

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