Answer Me, Answer Man (Flash fiction)


Answer me, Answer Man;
What’s the answer for question 2?
Do you know if we’re watching a movie in class today?
When’s the big test?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
How does this work?
What are you doing for the science fair?
Why does this work this way, but not that way?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What are you doing after school?
How do your parents still like each other?
Why am I afraid to touch anything you own?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What can I do to be more resourceful?
Where should I go for high school?
How can I be better than myself? 

 Answer me, Answer Man;
How do you stop missing someone?
Why does death have to be part of life?
When does it stop hurting?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
How can I be a better person?
Why don’t people like me?
Does this pain in my chest ever really go away?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What are some cute first date ideas?
When can you officially call it a “relationship”?
How do I take things to the next level?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
Does family really mean anything?
Do we all die alone?
Is parental favouritism a real thing?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What do women want?
How can I get her to like me?
Why does this hurt so much?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What is the legal drinking age?
Where can I buy liqour without an ID?
Does drinking impress girls?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What do these symptoms mean?
Do I need to see a doctor?
Am I going to die?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What do I do after I graduate?
How much does it cost to travel?
Should I go to university?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
Why am I using you as my ethical barometer?
What are you really doing to enrich my life?
How can I stand on my own two feet?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What places are hiring near me?
Where can I get a cheap apartment?
How do I get my driver’s license?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What is compound interest?
How many notices can a company send before legal action is taken?
Do collection agencies break fingers like in the movies?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
How do I get out of debt?
Can I do my own taxes?
When do you know you’re beaten?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
How far down is Rock Bottom?
Do clinics pay you for donating blood?
How many organs does a person really need?

 Answer me, Answer Man;
What’s the solution?
Does any of this matter?
What is the most painless way to die?

Answer me, Answer Man! 

Answer me, Answer Man...? 

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