Creative Writing Challenge 2.1 - Tony's List - Starving Charlie

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“As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again!”

Charlie lay on the floor with a dog-eared copy of Gone With the Wind, devouring the impassioned cry of the heroine. Literally. He had grown restless waiting for his human to return with the bone he expected for dinner, so he began to explore other options.

The texture of the pages wasn’t enough to take the edge off his hunger, and the content was a bit dry. This was driving him absolutely bananas. He needed a proper snack, and that might be found in the kitchen.

Charlie sniffed at the trash. Empty Coke bottles were covering up the good stuff, but he could tell there would be more if he dug deeper. He nudged the bin with his nose until it toppled and a container rolled away.

It didn’t smell very good. Some sort of dairy-based product had been sitting at the bottom of the bag for days. Maybe yogurt? He didn’t bother trying to read the label, it was all Greek to him. Greek, and stale. No luck with the trash then.

Something on the counter? The golden retriever couldn’t jump all the way up, but he got his front two paws resting on the edge and took a look around. There was a bowl of those hard round orange things that the humans sometimes put in their mouths, but that wasn’t food. He took a swipe at the bottle sitting next to the bowl, and it fell to the floor with a crash.

A tomato-red stain spread across the tile when the wine bottle broke. Charlie’s tail began to wag in anticipation. It might not be the white wine he preferred, but it was something, and it would keep him warm inside while he waited for Tony to return with the real food.

Taking care to avoid shards of glass, Charlie licked the mess from the floor before heading outside for a nice, long nap.

Written for Task #1 of the Second Creative Writing Challenge run by @steemfluencer!

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