Writing Cooking Posts or Recipes in English 101 : Simple Sentence Pattern in Writing The How To Cook Part of Your Article

Do you post recipes here? Me, too.

Do you check out other posted recipes? Me, too. Why? Because sometimes the recipes others post would give you tips on how to do it properly. In so many recipes I checked out, there are a many of them I could re-do. Yes, I've tried re-making a few from recipe authors I follow and some of them turned out really delicious. Thank you for sharing.

It's not just recipe posts that I checked out but also posts that has something to do with food, smoothies and anything to fill that tummy as I love eating specially healthy food. Recently, I've stumbled on some recipe posts and they have wow photos however, when you read the caption - you could tell that it was written using translation apps. There's nothing wrong with it because at least the author has taken the pictures themselves and the recipe posted is original - or their own. The steamcleaners didn't go after them so I concluded that.

As I hunt for new authors' post, yes I do because I don't think we should only be reading our friends' post and honestly, there are low reputation authors who actually have great posts... I bumped against a few who has such a post - with grammatical errors. They have inspired me to write this post. Thanks to them for that.

Everyone should be given a chance to post in Steemit and if we see and think there is something wrong - I don't believe complaining would help and as @thecryptofiend just wrote - here .

"21) Don't critique people's work unless they have asked you to" .

Give feedback instead and be polite, be very polite. I also thought - If I see that as a problem and maybe I'm the only one who sees that as a problem right? ... then instead of complaining - I should offer a solution.

I hope that this helps authors who post recipes who probably have a challenge in posting it in English.

One whale just made me realize that we cannot say that an author is not doing their best just because their articles have grammatical errors . Actually, I feel for those authors because I also went through that. It takes so much courage to write in a strange language and submit it knowing the whole world would be running their eyes on it.

That's how I felt every time I had to submit written home works to my Dutch class instructor when I was in my first year learning Dutch. Oh yes, most of those written home works bled red and I am just happy my instructors corrected them. That's the only way, I could learn.

Actually, on my posts with Dutch translations, I am sure that some of my grammar there are wrong. It is my 4th language and at 38 it's really not easy anymore to learn languages right compared to when I was younger. Luckily, I have had inspiring and helpful Dutch instructors who has always corrected my grammar which made me love them so much I have had a hard time bidding them goodbye when I finished the course ... and so this is a "pay it forward" inspired article as well.

This is not a meme post so I would not mention which whale that is but to him is the credit. Kudos! - I see how you actually are encouraging new authors to go on by supporting them. I am happy for them and I am with you on that Mr. Whale. Thank you for putting me back on track when my intent and supposed to be executions almost contrasted. I am not going to pursue what I've proposed with you because as what @wingz advised me - this is my niche, I could also contribute in the community this way and the best part is - surely - it won't hurt anyone. I am human - I could think wrong.

So to help make it easy writing what you want to say on your recipe posts . Here are a few examples of SIMPLE SENTENCE PATTERNS FOR GIVING COOKING INSTRUCTIONS.

Let me use the vegetable dish I ate with my recipe post here.

Lastly, as one anonymous wise man once said - " KISS IT. "

The vegetable dish is a recipe I just came up with yesterday. Maybe I should call it Sauteed Mushroom and Broccoli with Pine Nuts. If it happens to exist elsewhere it's just a coincidence. My hub was away on a seminar yesterday and this recipe post here was actually my brunch. I just pulled out whatever were there in the fridge and made an article about it.

I hope this article reaches every author who are struggling writing their recipe posts. My Steemit chat account name is the same as in here, buzz me if I'm online if you need some editing help. Post your article first and give me the link. I don't want to write corrections on a comment thread anymore because even if it's a polite feedback it could possibly hurt sensitive authors. I have witnessed how written communications could sometimes get misinterpreted here and get out of hand and it's not a good thing to watch nor to experience.

Make it a great week ahead everyone.

I used the Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition to take all these pictures.

Love cooking like I do? FOLLOW ME @englishtchrivy.

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