How To Remove Creative Blocks By Talking Directly To The Thing You’re Creating


Ever been stuck on a creative endeavor? Did you wish for a can of high-performance inspiration, so you could just get your flow on?

You can.

By talking directly to The Thing you’re creating.

Ask It a few questions in a friendly way. You’ll be fascinated by Its answers. Pretend that your Creation is a really smart person. Why? Because asking It some of these questions will stimulate your inspiration-gland, that's why!

  • So, Creation-In-The-Making, what’s Your real name?
  • Why do You want to exist?
  • How do You want to make people feel?
  • Who do You want to help or serve?
  • How do You want to help or serve them?
  • What do You have to say, show or teach?
  • How do You want to make life more enjoyable for people?
  • How do You want to be remembered?

Only after you're absolutely enthused by what you learn from your Creation’s answers, then ask It:

  • Why did You pick me to bring You into the world?
  • What’s the best way for me to bring You into the world?
  • What’s the first step for me to take to bring You to life?
  • Who else would be interested in helping me bring You forth? (co-creators)
  • Who else would be interested in having You once You’re out-and-about? (market)
  • What’s Your biggest, wildest possibility?

This process creates both intimacy and clarity between you and your project. Like everything, it is relational. Talking with your current Creations… asking Them these questions can reposition you from the one DOING the work, to the one TRANSLATING/CONVEYING/IMPORTING the work. It can relieve the felt pressure to be creative, and allow you, instead, to merely bring through an idea that wants to be seen, heard and considered.

(I originally wrote + published this post on my LifeBlazing website.)

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