Mopping: A Gateway To Meditation + Magic


There are two ways to mop a floor.

One way is to think it is nothing special.
Just a chore.


The other way is TO SEE the mop.
First, as eraser. Then, as pen.

The soap -- lemon, pine, lavender?
The soapy water is invisible ink.
The floor is the foundation,
and you script the kinds
of things on it,
that make your feet dance.

Or, at least, not drag.


This other way understands
that AS you swipe, left and right,
swirl, round and round, you can ALSO
lay order to your universe.

Mopping is perfectly suited for meditative and magical states.

While there, why not practice drawing, into actuality,
exactly what you want? A lot of people's inner voice
(hopefully not yours!) is so mean and limited,
it would balk at the idea of YOU HAVING YOUR HIGHEST.

:: Don't listen to that kerkinflumpschtik! ::

Instead, imagine life, standing only for that...

standing only for your highest.

What does that look/feel like?
How hotly are you pursuing that?
Whatcha waiting for??

These thoughts have been brought to you by
the Department of Mundane Affairs,
in collaboration with the Ministry of Magic.


The ordinary is full of hidden extras,
one of which is an activated mop, friend...
which, REALLY, is an activated imagination...

that plays at the edges of things.

Blends and blurs what never should
have been separated to begin with...

Things like life, and freedom.

Hope, and action.

Vitalizing food, and bodies free
of disease and shame.

Whole-person development
(because we are much more like complex
Chunky Monkey ice-cream, than segmented Neopolitan.)

The experience of being deeply seen, known and loved by another,
and being that healing, heart-hydration for someone else.

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