A Steemit Original - A Lifetime of Seeking Happiness - Chapter 1 - Part 6

Memoir of a runaway girl - A true story!   

  I looked at him with such hatred at that moment, why would he say such a thing? Did he truly believe that? It was not true, by any stretch of the imagination, but in his mind, he believed what he said. Was this a symptom of my grandfather going senile?  I recall how hurt I felt hearing those words. Sure, my relationship with Dad was strained. Yes, he would beat me, but molest me?    

Assuming he could hear me since he was practically deaf too, I yelled at him angrily, “Are you crazy old man, you are so wrong. You have no idea how off base you really are! You MUST be nuts!”  

Shortly thereafter, he went into the hospital to have the colostomy bag removed. It was then I got the call, grandfather had passed away during the operation.      

Now normally a grandchild would feel sorrow at such news, me, well lets just say I was somewhat relieved. I knew that this meant he could not spread such nasty rumors and he took my secret to his grave about the stolen car incident.    

Don't get me wrong, I did love my grandfather, but my last day with him was very hurtful. That untrue molesting comment left me feeling disgust towards him.   

I was temporarily allowed to move back home during the turmoil during the next 2 weeks.

His funeral came and I naturally went to pay my last respects.  It was a sunny day out. After the service, I went back to my parent’s home. The following day my parents were at my grandfather’s condo, going through papers, packing and cleaning. There was a knock on the front door.  Through the screen of the front door, I could see a man in a suit with a box in his hands. He stated he was here from the funeral home and he had my grandfather with him. He handed me a small box. It was heavy and warm. I looked at it wondering what the box contained. 

The man then stated, “This is your grandfather”.     

Panic took over my entire body, I was holding my grandfather in my hands and the box was still warm. Now what, I stood there, tears rolling down my cheeks. I was shocked that this almost six-foot hulking man was inside this little tiny box. This was when it really hit me.  

I ran into my parent’s room and literally threw the box onto their bed. I ran into the kitchen and phoned my grandfather's apartment. My Mom answered and I remember so vividly saying, “Someone needs to come home now, Grandpa is here”.  

Not totally understanding what I was talking about since I was crying and almost to the point of hyperventilating, they finally understood what I was saying.   

If someone tells you it will be only a few minutes before they get there, you expect it to be just a few minutes. No, they left me alone in that house, alone with my grandfather’s ashes for more than an hour and a half. Finally, they showed up and my Aunt tried to console me. I told her that I did not need consoling. All I needed was to be away from those ashes.    

After about a week, my Aunt was heading back to Edmonton and I asked if I could come with back her. I've never been able to recall a time when my Aunt ever said no to me. Maybe this was the reason why she was my favorite Aunt.    

Off to Edmonton we went.

Chapter 2 - Part 1 starts tomorrow

For those who missed the beginning of my book, you can catch up here:


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