The First Steemit Community-Written Novel.

It's time for the Steemit community to author and publish a book. I intend this to be a joint effort and of course there would be benefits attached. 

Remember that Blockchain based fiction? Yes the one you enjoyed reading the overview? 

Here's the link to refresh your memory 

Writing out the story is starting right away and will be done by everyone interested. 

I am not an author and even if I am, it will still be fascinating to try this and see how it turns out. 

I have the first draft which I'll be publishing in my next post. I'm expecting heavy criticism as I am absolutely sure the writing is below par. 

To those interested: 

i am hoping everyone gets to understand the broad concept of the story. 

When a draft is published, we are to check for all forms of errors. A corrected version will then be published with suggestions for the next few pages or chapters provided in the comments section. 

Please your participation is very important to the success of this project. I'm not even sure of the best way to go about this but this is what I wish for. 

1. Read the intro here 

2. Read and make suggestions on published draft. The first draft has been written already and you'll find in my next post.

3. Make suggestions on the story's continuation. 

4. Resteem and spread the word.

Lets make it the first of its kind. Let's get people trooping en masse to Steemit to read THAT novel. 

I have no idea of the reward system yet too.

Please, Indicate your interest in the comment section. And mention those you think might be interested too!

Suggestions of all kind are always welcome. 

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