Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #3 - Mowing Mayor

The afternoon started out like any other, work over with the day job meant it was time for his second job. Being Mayor of Aynor and CFO for the school district meant for some rather tedious and slow days, so the afternoons were the time John could actually do something productive. The mower always seemed to call his name from afar, at least he felt it did. That's one problem with working a job that is not enjoyed, the grass is always greener on the other side, and that thought made John anxious for change.

Parking the car in the garage, John stepped out and set his folio on the workbench,turning the overhead lights on as the garage door slid closed. The bright green of the John Deere riding mower shone in the fluorescent lighting, cleaned and well maintained, it sat in its own parking stall which meant his wife's car was parked outside, at least until winter hit. He walked over to the mower and ran his fingers along the rear wheel well, looking for any scratches or marks. Finding nothing out of the ordinary John set about preparing for what he considers his real job, lawn mowing.

Nancy, his mother-in-law, lived in a large house on a large corner lot a mile away. The yard was immaculately maintained and John took great pride in the quality of mowing he is able to achieve. She paid him well, as well she should being the wealthiest person in the small town of Aynor. Not only was she the wealthiest, her house was the largest, and her yard the best of everyone around. She knew it and ensured that it stayed as such.

Aynor is not a large town so John would always drive the mower the mile to Nancy's and then home again. The mowing usually took a little over an hour each time and the routine was always the same. Back yard first, then working clockwise around the house he would finish next to the driveway, making sure to leave no tire marks on the lawn. Late August meant the days were beginning to shorten and it darkness approached faster. John noticed his gas gauge reading a quarter tank left so he decided to make a short detour to the gas station on his way home.

Traffic in Aynor is 4 cars on the road at the same time so John felt no concern about driving his lawnmower without headlights. The warm evening air in his face, the mower chugged up to the gas station pump and parked. He filled the mower's gas tank and went inside to pay. The sight of the cooler cases brought the sudden realization to John of just how thirsty he was. Scanning the various shelves nothing stood out until his eyes landed on the beer shelf.

Old E is not most people's idea of a refreshing drink, but John had always loved it despite the general consensus. Setting two 20oz cans on the counter, he pays for his gas and beer, thanking the Travis the cashier. Travis had graduated from Aynor High two years prior but had decided to stay and run the gas station for his parents. They chatted for a bit before John said his goodbye and returned to his mower.

The first can popped open as his leg swung over the seat and he drank deeply from the can. The potent malt flavor permeated his senses and he relaxed back into the seat. He started up the mower and began his trip home, open beer in his hand and unopened can in the cup holder. The partial moon's light gently lit the streets enough that John could easily see. He continued to take long drinks from the Old E in his grasp until its last drops slid down his throat.

Halfway home, John became aware of headlights approaching him from behind. He moved the mower to the right side of the road and without looking behind him motioned for the vehicle to pass with his arm. The lights continued to shine and John again waved them around. The sudden addition of flashing blue and red lights startled John, but he didn't realize they were for him. His mind was working over the possibilities as he kept his eyes on the road in front of him. The siren blast was the final signal that he had to pull over and stop the mower.

Capture mower.JPG


Parked alongside the dark street in the middle of Aynor, Johns thoughts flopped between the urge to run, the dawning realization this could be detrimental to his re-election, and the fuzzy alcohol induced disassociation. At one point during their conversation John was informed he needed to empty out his alcohol before being allowed to continue home. The full can still sat in the drink holder unopened, and John picked it up and opened it, the sharp crack of the can opening caused his mouth to water. He turned the can upside down and watched as the beer splashed off the asphalt and sprayed his legs with small droplets.

Free to go about his way, John continued his journey home, his mind coursing over the events that just transpired. The sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach told him he was likely not going to live this one down, and with the election nearing, this was sure to be used against him by his opponent. Misunderstanding or not, the media was sure to crucify him and he began to feel nauseous as he pulled into his driveway.

The news article I based my story off of:

This is my entry for the Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #3 put on by @steemfluencer. The details of the task are as follows:

Task #3: The News

Find a news item that interests you. Using the 'who, what, when, where, why' of the item - and your imagination - rewrite it as a detailed narrated story.

I think that this is an opportunity for you to go after your interests, learn some news and write something that could bring you a decent amount of SBD if done well. I'm mostly referring to the trendy topics. They are often controversial. You'll often see a lot of conversations with people agreeing and disagreeing.

However, you could also write about a shipwreck in the 70s for example and still outperform everyone else :) Enjoy it! :)

If you need further clarification just type your questions in the comments.

Check out my blog @flemingfarm

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Fleming Family Farm
Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
All images are original works of Fleming Family Farm unless otherwise notated and credited.

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