What Kind Of Writer Are You?

Writing Styles At A Glance


Writing styles. They are as varied as the choices of undergarments from a certain mall lingerie store. We are all different and unique creatures so it would only make sense that we all have our own voice and way that we project it, yet I often catch myself ruminating on just how other Steemians put together their blog posts.

I am most definitely a"seat-of-the-pants" type of writer. An idea will pop into my cranium and I can sit down and verbally vomit thousands of words onto a paper or screen.

Merriam Webster defines the adjective "seat-of-the-pants" as:

employing or based on personal experience, judgment, and effort rather than technological aids or formal theory.



Ooh, just shivered a bit there, personal experience? Judgment? Heh. I guess that does rather describe how I write, for I just turn my fingers over to what's flowing in the ol' thoughts a pouring vault. I find this whole bit about myself amusing as I am most definitely a plotter in many other areas of my life.

As I pondered my authorial makeup, I began to wonder about other people's method O'scribbling. Which brings me to other writing styles that I have glimpsed in my every day experiences:

The Autocorrect As You Go

I have a co worker that has to have each sentence precisely composed, formatted perfectly, and grammatically correct before she can move on to the next sentence in whatever bit of written work that she is creating. Her method of writing is incredibly fascinating to me, as I would die if I had to write that way. Seriously, if there is a comma in the wrong place or a line of text is one inch out of margin she will stop her train of thought and realign those cars. AAHHHH! THE PAIN!

Outline, Design, Post Online

This style of writer organizes their entire idea before proceeding with the creating. They are the architects of the written world, the kids who had perfect notes in any class that they took and pretty little doodles in the margins of said notes. Their posts and written work are so pretty to look at and organized in such a pleasing way. Is it detest, envy, or admiration that my description of this style-ee is dripping in? Hmmm...

Summary McDonery


Careful there, one flavor might be overdoing it!

The get to the point of it all writing style. No flowery over use of adjectives and adverbs with this person. Efficient and to the point with their composition, if someone is getting stabbed in their writing it is with a knife. Forget about a blood dripping cutlass that was tarnished with a patina forged in countless battles and whose metal delivers screams in the name of truth and justice. That would be overdoing it a touch.

So these are just a few of the writing styles that I have come across in my travels through life. I would love to hear from any of you about how you compose your blog posts or writings in general. Please do share!

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