100 Days of Poetry Challenge Day 1. Looking down the vortex.

In the midst of such uncertainty
There's one thing I am sure,
In spite of great calamity
Writing will be my cure.


One hundred days of poetry school
Sounds like the right prescription,
So here it is my simple rhyme
To fulfil my first transcription.

I must confess I am currently
Entrenched within a rut,
Writing as I stagger
Holding hopes one day I'll strut.

Of poetry I'd written nil
Until I'd started steeming,
Now is the time to comprehend
If I can write or if I'm dreaming.

I am a novice and it's true
My spelling is abysmal,
Finding word within this fog
Is brain splitting aneurysmal.


Opportunity awaits
I just need to find the gumption,
To utilise this process with
Derivative subsumption.

I've been running screaming searching
Trying so hard everyday,
To recover all I lost or had
Purloined within the fray.

I'm tired of the battle
And I'm losing at the war,
I surrender now to decifer
Exactly what I labour for.


This hiatus not of my choosing,
Undignified I am defeated,
I relinquish now the notions
Previously so concreted.

A journey of the spirit
Just as much of verse and phrase,
Down the vortex of these hundred days
Naively do I gaze.


Images thanks to pixabay.

This is day one of the Steemit school 100 days of writing challenge.

Even as I write that I am not convinced I will successfully complete this challenge.

I know I would like to, but whether that eventuates beyond a week remains to be seen.

Words are extracted from my brain painstakingly at the moment.

This simple first instalment didn't come easily.
I think I could be referred to a psychomotor retarded right now.

I am a novice writer with grand aspirations.

My personal circumstances have changed dramatically in recent times, leaving space to either succumb to the abyss or fill it with something worthwhile.

Which way I jump is still unclear but I know it is entirely up to me to decide.

This poetry journey (for want of a better word,) is about finding my way again, just as much as it is about formulating attractive emotive sentences into stanza.

Here is the link to the steemit poetry school post by d-pend.

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