SFT needs your help

Steemhouse Fiction Trail.png


Since arriving at PALnet @rhondak has made a tremendous impact on the community. With her background as a published author, critic and editor she has created the fiction workshop, Steemhouse Curation Trail - @sft - and http://www.steemshelves.com/, a place to link serialized stories and work from Steemit in one easy to find place.

The aim with @SFT is to curate quality fiction, gauged and edited from within the fiction workshop by a team of professional editors and writers. The featured writers have their work published at http://sftlibrary.com. Steemshelves is one way of growing the coffers for @SFT to eventually be able to reward featured authors. There are big plans for the Steemhouse Curation Trail; @rhondak wants to create the very first publishing house entirely funded by crypto.


It takes time and lots of work to write a piece of fiction, submit it to the workshop, have it critiqued, make revisions, have those edited and checked once more by the team before finally posting to Steemit. @SFT recognizes this and would like to reward its featured authors appropriately for their hard work. The SFT hopes to offer SBD payouts to authors whose work is curated, as a reward for their effort and an incentive to other authors to produce top quality work for Steemit.


I am appealing for donations to be sent directly to @SFT in the form of SBD. Every little bit helps and is very much appreciated. If any generous soul would like to sponsor @SFT's efforts please contact @rhondak or myself. Any earnings from this post will go to @SFT.

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