Diary of an Assassin Vol.6


Tonight was the night. I sat alone in the rented car watching rain drops bounce off the hood, my usual premurder hyperfocus was replaced by apprehension about the job.

Although I decided I had to go through with this, a part of me was still wondering if there was another way out?

If I didn't kill the young lawyer I could be putting my pregnant wife in danger by not honoring my contract for the hit..I could live with being a murderous husband and father but not with putting my family in further danger.

Jessica was enjoying a relaxing time at the hotel spa and I was sitting here wearing latex gloves about to take the life of another young woman.

The news Jess dropped on me last night was really messing with my head.

I never had to struggle with morality before, I was paid to kill and I did it. I rationalized that most of my victims were terrible people and if it wasn't myself being paid to kill them it would just be someone else, either way they were dead.

That wasn't helping ease my mind at the moment.

Now that I was about to be a father it felt as though I developed a conscience overnight, I was having feelings that were never there before. My military service either numbed me of it or was able to suppress my feelings to the point it never rattled me.

Did I lose my edge this fast?

I was nervous and less focused than usual. I tried to stay on duty, looking in the rearview for the young lawyers car, but I found myself looking at my own reflection in the mirror.

I was getting anxious.

Just then the interior of the vehicle lit up as a car was approaching up the street, the headlights were that of the same model the lawyer drove. As it got closer my heartbeat increased, it was Katherine.

She pulled into the driveway beside her home. It appeared she must be texting someone because it took her awhile to get out of the car.

I watched intently waiting for her to get out.

Seconds felt like hours, just then the car door opened and she sprinted up the driveway to get refuge from the rain.

She put her key in the door and entered the home. It was my turn.

I scanned the street and all was quiet. The weather played well to keep people off the streets but I'd have to be weary of leaving foot prints. Everything I was wearing would be discarded before I returned to the hotel, I had a change of clothes in the trunk as this wasn't my first go round.

Taking a deep breath I exited the vehicle and slowly began creeping towards the house.

Lights were illuminating the rooms in the front, the back section of the home was still dark and this was were I'd make my entrance.

The thick well manicured shrubs made for great cover, the neighbours house beside was in complete darkness and that meant I didn't have to be concerned with being spotted.

Around back now I noticed there was a window on the second story opened just a crack, this was going to be too easy..

I stepped up on the air-conditioning unit and slid the window open slowly. It never made a sound so I continued until it was wide open, I took in the scent of candles and the air inside smelled clean. I put two gloved hands inside the window frame and pulled myself inside.

Making sure not to step on the floor quite yet I sat and took my shoes off. One at a time and dried them on my shirt. I heard the woman singing and sat there for a minute to get my bearings.

Next the sound of water running filled the house with noise, she was running a bath.

I exited the room in which I entered and stalked down the hallway toward the sound of running water. I pressed my back up against the wall just a couple feet from the bathroom entrance and listened to see if I could hear more precisely where she was at. She began singing again.

Katherine was in a good mood, it was all about to change.

I heard the water stop and the sounds of the woman splashing around as she entered the tub, she was now completely defenseless and trapped in her own bathroom.

My last kill would be too easy, I decided I'd drown her in the tub and be back to the hotel within an hour.

I peeked my head into the bathroom to get a survey of the room, the tub was out of sight behind a wall that jutted out but I wasn't sure if she'd be facing away from or towards the door?

If I crept up I could grab her head quick before she was able to get much of a scream out so it wouldn't matter. Once I had her by the hair she'd only be 3 minutes from drowning.

I took slow silent steps inching closer to the location of the tub, just then the ringtone on her phone went off and I looked towards the sound.

She left her iPhone on the toilet, I froze.

I heard splashing again as she was getting out to retrieve the phone, the plan was suddenly changing. With nowhere to hide I waited for her to get it.

I saw one leg step out and she extended her hand to grab for the phone, in doing so she turned and noticed me.

She went to let out a scream and that's when I grabbed her, she dropped the phone and started slipping around on the wet floor. One arm had her around the neck and my right hand was over her mouth.

As she was kicking she knocked over the bathroom garbage and it's contents spilled out onto the floor. I tripped her back into the tub and held her under the water as she kicked and tried desperately to grab at my arms.

To get more leverage to hold her under I turned my head slightly, my eyes trained on an object I had just seen a couple days ago in my wife Jessica's possession, it was a pregnancy test.

My eyes focused on it and the reading was blue, Katherine was pregnant!?

About 60 seconds had passed, the fight was starting to die down as the woman's energy was spent, she was still holding her breath but any moment she'd be forced to reflex and her lungs would fill with water.

My mind was racing.

How was she pregnant?.. I learned she was too busy with her career to even have a boyfriend..

Was I really about to kill a pregnant woman meanwhile I'm about to be a dad myself.. how could I stop now though I was only a minute or two from completing my last job?

I pulled her back up above the water and she gasped for breath. I let her get few lungfuls and then I put my hand over her mouth again and put her in a headlock. I told her, "if you scream I'll kill you"..I asked her if she understood?

She shook her head and looked paralyzed with fear, understandable given her current situation.

I spun her around to face me and water splashed out onto the floor. The entire room was a soaken mess but the cleanup was the least of this woman's problems, and now I had my own..

To be continued..


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