Diary of an Assassin Vol. 1


Killing is easy after you've been doing it for awhile. You can become numb to the actual act of taking a life but I can't say that it isn't always personal.

In my line of work it's always personal.

I need to find out details such as where you live, work, recreate. I study your family. I gotta know all the details such as when you and your wife go to work, when the kids get dropped off for school or swim practice.

You're kids aren't the only ones that have to do their homework.

They say the devil's in the details.

I have to know things such as whether you have friends or family from upstate staying over for the weekend?

I always need to know how many bodies to account for once I'm in your house.

My last target was from Washington. He was a 35 year old man having an affair with a lady who traded cryptocurrencies online. She was younger than him, tall and in great shape physically. She was far more attractive than this mans wife, perhaps that's the reason for the affair?

My targets are usually men who are having affairs.

Guys who commit adultery are always worried about thier wives finding out but there's something that's even worse..guys whose wives find out and then contact and employ me is. That makes you a dead man.

After days studying this gentlemans routine I figured out it was easier to learn the young womans schedule he was having an affair with. She lived alone so there was less loose ends. Less moving parts if you will..

I'd kill him at her place.

The best opportunity was when he was supposed to be at work on Friday's. The target would leave early and meet up at the young ladies house on the outskirts of the city core.

It was always the same. That's why they call it a routine.

He'd show up clutching a paper bag with wine and sushi inside. They'd dine in the kitchen while sipping on a few drinks, then the sofa in the living room was the next locale. She'd always put on music, they'd talk and paw at eachother a bit before taking it to bedroom.

I usually watched from outside parked in a car down the street. Now it was time to stop watching it and get in there and get involved.

Time to earn my paycheque.

I knew if I waited in the spare bedroom one of them would go to relieve themselves eventually. The bathroom was right across from the bedroom, this would be my best opportunity to finish the job while the target was alone.

It would be too simple.

The hardest part was slipping the screen back on the bedroom window and hiding inside the closet while she showered and got ready earlier in the night.

Waiting sucks.

I'd have to be patient and quiet for a couple hours and then it would only take a few short seconds once the timing was right.

I maybe cold to the act of murder but my adrenaline always ramps up beforehand. I'm still human and concious of what I'm doing but it's a high for me unlike any you can imagine. Murder is a drug.

Once people have a few drinks of alcohol they always vocalize what they're doing. From inside the walk-in closet I heard all the details about each of their days. He even talked about his wife, they laughed at her expense. I could hear them kissing as he took his jacket off and threw it on a chair. His keys fell out and hit the floor.

A couple of minutes into the fifth song she announced she had to goto the washroom. Relieving yourself while intoxicated always takes awhile and I knew I'd have more than enough time.

The lady talked to him as she stumbled down the hallway. She scuffed up against the wall that I was listening to them from on the other side. The soft jazz music playing didn't disguise her voice or steps whatsoever.

She entered the bathroom and i heard the lock on the handle click. I was already standing behind the bedroom door at this point with a 10 inch Japanese steel blade in my hand. Sometimes I prefer to use a knife.

I opened the door quietly and exited.

As I slowly walked down the hall rolling up my sleeve, I could see the man was seated on the sofa with his back to me. This would be too easy.

I snuck up and covered the man's mouth with my right hand while pulling his head back at the same time, my left hand swiped the knife deep into his neck about 2 inches below his adams apple. The only sound was a slight gurgle as blood filled his throat. He slumped over and bled out on the sofa.

The targets been eliminated but the jobs not quite over. The lady still wasn't out of the bathroom yet but just then I heard the toilet flush.

It was time to leave and get back to my car parked outside.

I passed the kitchen counter and popped a sushi roll in my mouth. Then I wiped the blood off my blade on the man's dress jacked. Six more steps now and I was at the front door.

Getting away is always easier than getting in. I simply exited down the stairs and into the street, taking in the cool night air.

I was glad to finally be leaving the nation's capital.


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