[SHORT STORY] Dust Devil - Part 04

Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here

Was my system hacked? How –

[What? Hacked? My dear madam. Is this your first time having a Companion System?]

It can hear me think? How is that fair.

[Oh, dear. I am dealing with a complete novice here, I see.]

That made her pause. Was the Companion, judging her? By all accounts, they weren’t supposed to do that.

“I see that the installation has been successful.” The Martian said. “My Companion System, well, it’s different from others. It tends to be rather communicative. It was a present you see, from an Earthan relative. It is supposedly one of the most advanced systems out there. Very rare.”

[That, I am.] Roe heard the robotic voice. [Advanced I mean.]

Roe was going to be sick. This was all too much, too soon.

“His name is Proxy.” The Martian said. “To tell you the truth, I’ve only had him for a couple of days.” He cringed.

It seems like this Companion carries with it a reputation. Great.

Proxy? Roe prodded.

[Or just Prox.] The Companion said. [I prefer the nickname more. But you can call me whatever you wish, Hunter.]

The use of her title calmed her. Prox. We need your help.

[Yes. I see that you and young Jax have gotten yourselves in quite the predicament. I can’t access the Web because of that storm. And you also only have 15 more minutes of Carbon Dioxide filtering left, before your system shuts down. That’s bad.]

“Fifteen minutes…” Roe whispered.

The Martian perked up. “We need to get to a Shelter Hunter. Fix our systems.”

He turned to inspect the broken window? Was this fool trying to get out?

[It seems the winds are about to calm down, Hunter. Is it alright if I address you as Hunter? My data says you Molded get picky with your names.]

Roe frowned. The Dust Devil will pass? How do you know?

[Why don’t they install Companion Systems in you Molded anyway?] Proxy continued. [It would make conversations like this one nonexistent.]

He was so…talkative. Roe knew that a person had to work alongside their Companion. Like a team. But she never heard of one sounding this…real.

[As young Jax said. I am quite advanced.]

And there was the fact that it could read her mind!

Oh, mother.

“Hey do you hear that?” The Martian asked.

No she didn’t. Roe’s eyes widened. She didn’t hear a single thing. The noise from the wind had completely stopped.

“Impossible…” Roe said. She moved to stand beside the Martian, and heard… nothing.

[As I stated mere seconds before, Hunter.] Proxy said, [The weather has calmed. Now please make haste, you don’t have much time.]

Roe understood why the other Hunters despised the Companion experience. She felt like she was getting pulled by the nose. Even in this dire situation, she still preferred to rely on her skill and systems. Not the suggestions of a data gathering program. And it killed her that she had to do what it said, she truly didn’t have much time, and if she was shut down the Martian would be stranded in mother’s wilds. She didn’t save his life earlier only to let him die alone now.

“Let’s go.” Roe said. And without blinking drew her crimson Gladio and sliced the edges of the window clean off. This didn’t seem to alarm the Martian at all. Roe could swear on the stars that the glint in his eye was the same as before – the same eagerness. “Stay close, and watch out for any movements out there, Martian.”

“Understood.” The Martian said.

Well he’s finally listening to me at least.

[Don’t mistake young Jax’s eagerness for foolishness, Hunter.] Proxy said. [He is out here to complete a very important mission.]

As long as he stays concentrated and focused, and doesn’t flee at the first sight of danger. We should be able to reach the Shelter. Send me map information on where we need to go.

Her Display immediately showed a map, with two indicators. One for their current location, and another for the Refilling Shelter. It was so close – they might actually be able to reach it in time if they made haste.

[Young Jax is always concentrated and focused on his current mission, Hunter.] Proxy said. [He is also one of the most courageous humans I’ve met.]

Can you filter out your comments to only include information pertaining to our current predicament, Companion? Roe thought, annoyed. She waved for the Martian to follow her as she climbed out of the train car.

[Well, you’re the one who installed me, young lady.] Proxy said. [I must say. You are the most unhospitable host I have ever had the displeasure of working with.]

She exhaled an exasperated breath, were all companions like this?

Blissfully however, the companion chose not to comment on that one. And soon, Roe almost forgot all about it, the Martian, her certain shutdown. All of it. All of it seemed irrelevant compared with what lay before her.

As they exited the cave they were greeted by the most beautiful sight imaginable – the red wastes, of Mother Mars.

[10 minutes until system shutdown, Hunter.]

Part 5

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