sue me! .. I'm this kind of poets (5 facts about me)

behind bars

And this is why I should be behind bars

1/ I loose my writings:
Sometimes I write something and then I decide it's not as good as it should be so I just keep it somewhere and it ends up lost. The horrible part of this sad story is that I regret loosing it when I think about it and I remember that it's still a part of me. Even if I chose to hide that part for a while, I should always admit that it exists and I should never steal it's hope to be published one day and it's right to be read every once in a while even if it's only by me.
Guilty 😏

2/ I lie:
I say wrong things about meself to add some credibility to my story or to make my targeted audience think we have a lot in commun.

They say it's home I should stay here
But all I've felt so far was fear
My future here is so unclear...

Guilty 😏

3/ I cheat:
I sometimes, when I don't get inspired enough, put the words that rhyme togethen and thenstart to make sentences out of them and compose some lines untill the poem starts writing itself.
Guilty 😏

4/ I'm an advocate of devil:
I sometimes try to convince you of something I dont believe myself. Or I say things that, in my opinion, are relative and make them sound like they are general truths. Sometimes just because if fits with the rhythme and the rhyme and then I do my best to make it sound right. I might try to convince you of the opposite in another poem or even later in the same poem.

...In a second you can choose
to forget, to hate and loose
what you thought you'll always have
what you thought you'll alway love...

Guilty 😏

5/ I kill:
Sometimes I kill my caracters. You might think it's not murder but trust me it is. When I make the caracter die and I know his/her fate is totally in my hands and I can save him/her in one sentence but I choose to kill him/her just for the story to get better or more emotional, I am a cold blood murdurer.
Guilty 😏

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