Henry Gant, Man About Town. This Episode: "Standing Ovation" A play in three acts written for Jayna's 50-word challenge.

Jayna's 50-word challenge:
To write a story using 50 words. This weeks word is "Deed".

Instructions are found here:

Most notable:
"Writing micro-fiction stories within tight limits gives you the writing and editing muscles you need for those longer projects. It is a wonderful reminder that every word counts. And it is an opportunity to tune your editing skills in the microcosm of an itty bitty story." ~ Jayna

I think I was born to break the rules.
So here goes. This weeks entry titled,

Standing Ovation.

Act one:
“You will not write a three-act play using only 50 words,” says Janet.

Act two:
Center stage.
“I bet you a dollar a word I can,” says Henry at his typewriter.

Act three:
We see Janet giving Henry fifty dollars.

The curtain closes as the deed is done.

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H. G.
All images are provided by my hat.

We get to write a backstory?!

Ok . . . here goes.

Henry originally wrote a complete murder mystery titled Killer Mind for the 100 words contest some time back.
So this time I wondered if my character could write a play in 3 acts for the 50-word contest.

Here is an excerpt:

Starting with her thumb she counted, “A killer, a body, interesting characters, with an investigator asking questions . . . in 100 words? No way,” said Janet.

girl from the big island..jpg
Janet rolled her eyes.

(Girl from the Big Island, by Henry Gant.)

If you are interested:

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