I am Batman's Robin or Skywalkers R2-D2. - I've always been the co-pilot. Always been the second choice.

Being a Sidekick is difficult..

Ever since the day I was born, I've been the co-pilot. I've always been the sidekick. The second choice. - It's a very prestigeful role I play, but I never saw it like that when I was younger. I always wanted more. I always wanted to be the first choice, everyone's first pick.

I have an older brother. He's four years older than me. When we were kids, he was always Batman. - I had to play the role of Robin. - If he was Robin Hood I was the second man in charge again, I was Little John. - Never did I get to pick first. I never had a choice.

During my School years I had tons of friends and amongst my friends I played football with, I was never the second choice. I was the first pick at all times. Literally in any sport, I was always the first pick. - To be honest, I think I've never lost a football or floorball match during my School years. - I was good & I always played with the best people. - The opponents never had a chance.

If I weren't the one who chose the teams and players, I was definitely the one being picked first. - It's funny though, how I could be "the one to pick" when I was with friends playing football and floorball, and how I could be the second choice when I was with my older brother.

  • Perhaps it's not that unusual actually. Perhaps it's because I was the younger brother. Perhaps most of us experienced this. - However, the feeling of being the second choice and to never be good enough made me work harder. - I put in tons of effort in things I'm devoted to. - I want people around me to see the improvements. - I want to prove myself. - I want recognition.

However, I've never been bullied or been the guy who fights alot. Not more than some "fights" with my brother and when I've been standing up for my friends when we've been at a club or a party. It haven't been often but a handful of times. I've been the one who had to put an end to things. Often with the use of words which I prefer.. But unfortunately, a few times with my fists too.

And when I was a football player, I played as a defender in our team. Even though I was a great scorer, I had to defend. I played my role and I did it great. - I also did it because it was the best decision for the team I played in. I'm a true team player and I've always been.

This is also how I've lived my entire life. I've always been a good listener and I've always taken care of my family and my friends. They have always been able to depend on me. I've always been there to push them forwards if they've struggled in life. - That's the main reason I help my mother even more nowadays, ever since my father passed away. - Doing laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills or rent.. - I will help my mother no matter what.

I've also been a good friend. A true friend. A friend you could call in the middle of the night seven days a week. No matter the time. - I've always been there. - The same goes for my freelancing career. I am serious about customer support and I believe every single question should be answered. No matter how many times I have to answer the same questions, I do it because it matters. - It matters to my clients and I care about them.

  • I'm like a sturdy foundation. - And others put their shit on top of me.

I've had some thoughts about working as a therapist or psychologist. - However, I can't. I'm not capable of becoming a licensed psychologist at this point in my life, and I don't know if I ever will study to become one. - I'm a freelancer to the bone. - And it's my true passion.

But what if I take the wrong decision? - What if I would be able to help others to the point that they actually could live their lives to the fullest? - Without regret.

What if I am the one with regret in the end?

  • Would it be possible to become a unlicensed freelancing therapist? - A person who could offer online skype-sessions with "patients". A person who could focus on self-improvement and self-help online.. An author, an expert.. A self-taught and a trusted therapist/psychologist who've built his reputation on clients reviews and satisfaction.. - Would it be possible? - I believe it would be possible and I believe I could become one..

That way I wouldn't need the license, nor the education. I would be able to help people with the use of my personal experience. With my life experience instead.. - One question is, would I be able to endure & handle such a tricky task in my situation I have today? - Would I be able to help others when I am in need of help myself..?

The questions are many and the outcome are different depending on the alternatives but one thing is crystal clear.. - I am a person who want to help others. - I am a person who enjoys to be the sidekick.

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