My STEEMIT New Year's Resolution. - 2018 Will Be An Amazing And Life Changing Year.

I know...

I wrote an article about 26 hours ago or something like that where I told you that it would most likely be my last article this year. - It wasn't something I just said... I really meant it, but I couldn't resist the power from the wonderful, almost glowing "post" button.

There Is Something Really Special About It...

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Even though I can't state the exact reason for me to feel this way, I've felt it ever since I joined Steemit in July 2016. Sharing and caring. To help, support and aid others. To share. - I don't know what I love the most about Steemit.

To learn or to teach. - I think I love everything equally much.

Like I've said many times before, I truly love Steemit and I am grateful for all the support and for the opportunity I have been given.

Even though I am nothing but a measly minnow or perhaps even seaweed. I still feel obligated to educate when and where I can. - I want to help and support others, just like I've been given much support myself and still gets wonderful support to this day.

Be A Good Leader.

I truly believe that I am a good leader. And I'll share something I wrote in a previous article.

"My readers are without a doubt my most valuable asset.
They deserve my utmost respect. Without them I would be nothing."

I also wrote this:

I work hard to interact and communicate with my readers. I try to respond to each of the comments I get on my articles. I also recommend other authors to do the same.

See this article for more information:
Make Steemit An Even Better Place: Interact With Your Audience.

I do this due to my beliefs of growing as a community. My readers spend time writing comments on my articles and the least I can do is to respond or upvote. - If I ignore or neglect those around me, I will be treated the same way.

My reply would be seen as a token of appreciation. A way of saying "thank you" for the support and their time. An upvote, no matter the value, would also be seen the same way.

A good leader should do these things. This is also why I respond to each message I get on or on Discord. - I try to see the bigger picture.

"Leadership is not managing people. No one wakes up and wants to be managed. We want to be lead by good leaders."

However, some might believe that someone with only a few hundred Steem Power aren't the right person to listen to, or that you cannot learn anything from such a person. - People tend to believe and rely on the authors with the highest payouts, often our whales and beloved dolphins.

  • Leaders must be trustworthy.

And I cannot argue against facts. These people definitely know what they're doing. They're truly talented, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to build their followings and get the amount of support they have.

With all that being said...

I'll now give you the chance to read me like an open book.

I am a proud owner of less than 1000 SP in total, I have been delegated an awesome amount of SP from @fulltimegeek and I have just managed to reach a total amount of 1800+ followers.

A quick note regarding my delegation from FTG:
I got an awesome comment from one of my favorite Steemians, @teamsteem, when I announced this delegation.


  • That comment made my day!

Anyhow, I have also been delegating SP to minnowsupport for a long period of time, even though I only delegate a small amount. On top of that, I've also started to delegate some SP to @randowhale.




I honestly believe that the delegation to minnowsupport speaks for itself, so I won't talk about that. However, the @randowhale delegation might look a bit weird at first glance, when it's coming from someone like me so I'll try to explain my reasoning for this delegation.

But before I do that, I'll say a few words about my current Steem Power.

Due to life and that I've had some difficulties in pure financial aspects during a rather long period of time this year, I've felt that I had no other choices than to power down. - My SP has literally been my saviour at times, and even though I dislike the fact that I've powered down, I need to stay positive. It's utterly important to keep my head up high and to work towards a better future.

The minute I received the delegation from @fulltimegeek, and due to the spike in SBD, I stopped my power down.

The amount of SP I have is not much to brag about... But that alone would keep me afloat for basically 2 months, if it stayed at the current value... So it's definitely something I consider some sort of "lifeline", even though I truly dislike the thought of any future power downs.

That being said though, I recently delegated some SP to @randowhale and I did that due to the fact that I want to grow. I strive to become more powerful.


And while this delegation only generates about 0.200 SBD in 24 hours, it's definitely not some "get rich quick" type of deal... But the idea behind this delegation is to use the earnings to invest in Steem Power.

  • Every little bit helps.

So that's the reason for my delegation to @randowhale. To invest in Steem Power and to get a little bit stronger each day.

How About My STEEMIT New Year's Resolution Then?

First of all, I truly believe that I am doing the best I can with my newly found SP. With more than 1800 upvotes to 613 different authors this week I personally believe that I'm having pretty good numbers... - But I'm aiming for even more in 2018.

I also aim to Power Up and invest in Steem Power so I can at least double the amount of SP I have today by March.

If SBDs and Steem stays at similar values like now, I'll aim to reach 3000 SP before May 2018.


I do understand that some people would see these goals as low, and I guess that most people would probably set higher goals than this... - But I won't.

The reason for me to not set higher goals than this, is due to the fact that I usually have a hard time with defeats. If and when I cannot achieve the goals I have, I usually end up with loads of anxiety which often leads to depression... And that wouldn't be good for any of us.

However, if and when I see that I'm about to reach my goals, I'll obviously increase the goals I have and aim towards new numbers but I'll start with these milestones.

  • One step at a time.

So my New Year's resolution is basically to continue to do exactly what I've been doing lately... Power up & invest in Steem Power... Curate more, help, teach, educate and support others around me.

What About You?

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